Use with enterprise WP hosting?

We’re using Wordpress at my company now, but we have gotten used to a modern javascript development and we’re all picky about best practices and stuff, so the stuff looks like an !awesome! way to approach WP compared to the typical set-ups.

What I’m wondering about is how all-in with Trellis or Bedrock or etc is possible when we are tied to an enterprise WP host. We have a contract with Pagely and I’m not sure what effect that has on what we can do as far as these two products go. Does anyone have any experience or know what pain points might exist when integrating with their hosting?

I’ve heard of Pagely but I’ve never used the service. Requirements for Trellis are a stock Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty install and ssh access. I’d guess that so long as you’ve got root access to the machine you should be good.

It’s probably a good idea to run it by your contact and link them to the Trellis requirements page. If you do, it’d be cool if you post back with an update. :slight_smile: