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I should disguise my voice so that it doesn’t look like I’m taking over this thread.

Hi. Apparently I’m in a work-on-my-plugins kick this week, because I also put a bunch of work into Bootstrap 4 Shortcodes which is an update to the Bootstrap 3 version that I worked on with filipstefansson and Simon Yeldon.

The Bootstrap 4 version tries to be a thinner layer, opting to apply classes and attributes to links, lists, and images inserted by the WordPress editor, rather than abstracting HTML into shortcodes as we did in the Bootstrap 3 version.

The plugin includes full documentation with functional examples of each shortcode (generated with a nifty Mustache template) and a handy way to insert the examples into the WordPress editor.

Not all Bootstrap elements are supported yet (the more glaring omissions right now are Navbars and javascript tabs), the documentation isn’t super pretty, and I’m sure not everything works right, but at this point I’m ready for some feedback from the community.

So check it out if you get a chance. I’d love to hear your ideas on how this can be the most useful to you. I’ll be submitting it to the WordPress Plugin repository when it’s a little further along.



Bootstrap 4 Alpha 6.

This release makes Flexbox the standard and overhauls a few components, most notably for me (because it broke something) is the navbar component which is now completely Flexbox based.

This is cool, and seems like the right move, but it looks like the presumption is that all navbar elements will collapse. I often leave a few elements (like a contact button) uncollapsed in the navbar on mobile, and it took me a couple hours to wrap my head around how to pull that off in the brave new navbar.

Other than that, the new utility classes are welcome. The whole thing is shaping up well.

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I’m working on the transition from Alpha 4 to Alpha 6 right now.

Can’t find it anymore but I thought someone posted in this thread some kind of monitoring website you could plug all your WordPress sites into?

I’ve been a huge fan of updown.io and have used it since the end of 2014. Simple, inexpensive, and a great interface.

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I run with UptimeRobot, less feature-rich I guess but free for up to 50 monitors.

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Ta. I was hoping to find something WP specific. Like it’d be neat if it could also tell you what version it’s running, etc… but these are a good start.

Maybe ManageWP is more for you? OK, this is getting off-topic… :mask:

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A nice and relatively new service for monitoring is https://wpscanner.io/ from one of the Delicious Brains guys. It works pretty well but don’t remember if it has uptime/downtime monitoring.

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This plugin has saved my butt on a number of occasions in the past. Thanks for maintaing it :smiley:

I was testing out https://bugsnag.com today and it seems like a nice service to track your apps issues, errors etc.

Works as a composer dependency but they also have a WordPress plugin (docs have a setup guide). You can also integrate it with a lot of services, for example, I added GitHub so if the app finds and error, you can right away create a GitHub issue for it with quite a bit of information about it.

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Tilt.js is pretty awesome. It’s basically that tilt/wobble effect from the new AppleTV and it’s available via yarn.

It doesn’t really work on mobile, because it really requires a pointing device, but other than that I like it!


Just found the answer for the next client that asks for more “pop”


Digital Ocean launched their load balancers. Seems pretty neat, and easy to configure. Not necessarily a great tool for Trellis users, since you’ll need to either offload your database to a single server, or figure out how to synchronize databases between load-balanced droplets, but a cool service nonetheless!

Disqus will be forcing ads on your pages and charging $10 so you can remove them. https://kinsta.com/blog/disqus-ads/ :frowning:

Vultr have launched a new VPS plan… for $2.50: www.vultr.com/pricing.

The spec is:

  • 20GB SSD
  • 1 CPU
  • 512MB RAM
  • 500GB bandwidth

Essentially the same spec as the DO $5 droplets but with half the bandwidth.

Obviously basic VPS specs are very easily made to look attractive so I’ve been running some tests this morning and the performance is excellent from what I’ve seen so far. They use the latest-gen Intel CPU architecture and I’m guessing they have some very well configured SSD storage given the performance.


Here’s some very basic tests (from loader.io) with a fairly simple site. The test goes from 0 – 1000 concurrent users over 60 seconds. All instances are in London-based data centres.

Digital Ocean $5 droplet:

Vultr $2.50 instance:

Digital Ocean $20 droplet:


Is that a WP simple site or just a HTML one? :smile:

Simple WordPress site (Trellis/Bedrock/Sage) :slight_smile:

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Do tell. Always great to hear how others deal with clients like these.

Hummm, seems the Vultr $2.50 servers are limited to 2 per account.

Here’s the New Relic resource usage for the server during the above test: