WordPress update on local

I searched the forums but didn’t see anything.

I updated the version in composer.json file to 4.6.1 ran composer update. It did update the composer.lock file but didn’t update the WordPress installed on local dev environment.

I’m I missing something? Or do I just hit the update button in the admin area? I didn’t get any errors running composer update just green text saying everything is up to date.


How about removing the vendor directory and running composer update again?

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That worked. Thank you Ben!

Is that to proper way to update on the local dev environment?

I’ve never had to do that before, but I typically use Trellis for local dev

Wait, I use trellis too but thought wp was controlled in bedrock?

How would I do that in trellis?

Run Composer on the Vagrant box, not on your host machine.

  1. From your Trellis directory: vagrant ssh
  2. cd /srv/www/<sitename>/current
  3. composer update
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