Xdebug tunnel on vagrant machine - sudo: a password is required

Hi everyone,

I’ve just started with trellis etc Installation went smooth but now I wanna test the xdebug functionality. But everytime I start to open the xdebug tunnel I get the following error
sudo: a password is required

fatal: []: FAILED! => {
    "changed": false,
    "module_stdout": "",
    "rc": 1

The command I’ve used is

./bin/xdebug-tunnel.sh open development


I struggled with this as well, but then realized it was my own misunderstanding of Xdebug.

Xdebug is enabled by default in the development environment. The tunnel is for staging and production environments.


Got it running. Didn’t see that xdebug is running on dev by default. Thought you have to open that tunnel for the dev machine as well

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Found your github issue and this led me on the right path :slight_smile:

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