I seem to be running into an issue - when I run yarn dev it does not watch my changes - for example, it does not recompile my Taiwind CSS on Sage 10 with Bedrock.
My bud.config is set to watch what it should - yet nothing happens. i have to run yarn build in order to see my changes, which obviously - takes a lot more time
This isn’t reproducible from a fresh install — what changes are you making?
As of right now, there’s not enough details in this topic to provide you with support. Please either show us exactly what you’re trying, either with words or with a video.
And color is not applied, because Tailwind classes are not recompiled. This is a fresh installation of Bedrock/Sage, with literally one change - adding the Hello World
Could it be because I am changing the file under Windows and running yarn under the Linux subsystem, which might not detect the change?
Can you explain what this means? You edited inside of wsl, like using VI rather than a IDE like sublime? I think i’m having the same issues, and cannot figure this out. Thanks
The issue was that no matter what I did, I couldn’t use the development mode - i.e. seeing any change on the frontend required for me to re-run yarn build, which was not very convenient.
Yet, the issue turned out the be the way that WSL 2 treats the filesystem, as changes made under Windows cannot be tracked in WSL.
What fixed my issue was downgrading to WSL 1 and Sage works like a charm. Hope this helps.