3 level menu with boostrap 4, sage 9, and sage-boostrap4-navwalker - solution?

Does anyone have a solution for a 3 level menu using bootstrap 4, sage9. Currently using MWDelaney’s sage-boostrap4-navwalker.

Been down quite a few rabbit holes trying to get this working in an acceptable way and just keep getting stuck! If anyone is willing to spare a couple of hours to share a solution with me I would happily pay a fair rate.

Thank you!

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Hi! Bootstrap 4s JS does’t support multi level dropdowns.

I’ve got a snippet here that just retriggers the parent dropdown on ‘show.bs.dropdown’ and ‘hidden.bs.dropdown’. And that works fine for most usecases, however you have to make sure/calculate that the dropdown still fits within the window.

PM me (or if you’re on roots slack, message me there) if you’re interested in the js snippet.


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