500 (Internal Server Error) - Ajax in browsersync


Does anyone else encounter this problem “500 (Internal Server Error)” when using ajax in browsersync. There is no problem when you load the page normally and not in the browsersync http://localhost:3000.

Thank you.

Is this error also logged in the PHP/server logs?


Sorry for my late reply. Upon checking the error_log from the server it seems there is no output error in my blog page. But I only encountered the error when i’m not logged in. But when i am logged in it seems everything is working fine. The ajax load more is working fine when i am logged in.

Take a look of this screenshot:
When I am logged in - http://i.imgur.com/X4RFA8i.png
When I am not login - http://i.imgur.com/kIRSJnr.png

Sorry for my bad english

I think I found the issue and it seems wp_ajax_nopriv_post is not working for me.

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