ACF Blocks in separate section in one template

Hi all, I try figure out how to return ACF blocks in one template but in two sections.
Right now I have few blocks. In one section (one row) I have sidebar and two blocks and below I want to return other blocks but in full width without columns.

I was thinking about adding custom field true/false to these blocks, and If block is set to true then return to child partials. But I’am stuck and I’m not sure that’s a good idea

   <div class="grid-container">
    <div class="grid-x">
      <div class="cell medium-4 show-for-medium">
      <div class="cell medium-8">
    <div class="grid-x">
      <div class="cell">

I found solution to parse and render blocks, but it not flexible solution because ( I can’t change location blocks in admin panel ) but works.

I will share my code, maybe that will be helpfully for somebody in the future. It’s not perfect but works in this case.

  1. In acf block add “true/false” field for each blocks (in this example with name “widget_section”).
  2. In controller for page add below code (in this example FrontPage).
class FrontPage extends Controller
    /* Array with filtered meta data */
    private function storeArray()
        $store_blocks = [];
        $top_section = [];
        $bottom_section = [];

    /* Store logic */
    public function storeLogic()
        global $post;
        $blocks = parse_blocks( $post->post_content );

        /* store_blocks array */
        foreach($blocks as $block) {
            if(isset($block['attrs']['data']['widget_section'])) {
                $this->store_blocks[] = $block;

        /* top_section array */
        foreach($this->store_blocks as $item_top) {
            if($item_top['attrs']['data']['widget_section'] == 1 ) {
                $this->top_section[] = $item_top;

        /* bottom_section array */
        foreach($this->store_blocks as $item_bottom) {
            if($item_bottom['attrs']['data']['widget_section'] == 0 ) {
                $this->top_bottom[] = $item_bottom;

    /* Top section */
    public function blockTop()
        $top_array = $this->top_section;

        return array_map(function ($post) {
            return [
                'item_top' => apply_filters( 'the_content', render_block( $post ) ),
        }, $top_array);


    /* Bottom section */
    public function blockBottom()
        $bottom_array = $this->top_bottom;

        return array_map(function ($post) {
            return [
                'item_bottom' => apply_filters( 'the_content', render_block( $post ) ),
        }, $bottom_array);


Next in your home template, you can return any where blocks with fields set on True

            @foreach($block_top as $item)
              {!! $item['item_top'] !!}

And for blocks which doesn’t have set field on True

            @foreach($block_bottom as $item_b)
              {!! $item_b['item_bottom'] !!}

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