acorn/laravel packages not discovered until manually loading service provider

I’ve been using Acorn v5.0.0-beta.0 for a bit on a development site (works well overall). One of the issues I’ve encountered is that Acorn-compatible packages are not discoverable (edit: package:discover discovers nothing new) until manually specifying their service provider class in Application::configure()-withProviders(...), which I do within an mu-plugin:

// Initialize the Acorn application.
add_action('after_setup_theme', static function () {
             * Package Service Providers

             * Application Service Providers
}, priority: 0);

Additional context:

  • Same behavior with livewire/livewire, Log1x/acf-composer, and a custom package.
  • rm -rf $PRJ_ROOT/{vendor,wp-content/cache} && composer install has no effect on behavior
  • I have the post-autoload-dump script set up.
  • Project has only one composer.json

Sorry, this might be a naive question, but have you tried running wp acorn package:discover in the WordPress environment before running your code?
Does it change anything?

You could try some other of the Acorn CLI commands as well:

No problem, I realize I could have stated it more explicitly: when I said “not discovered” I meant that package:discover has no effect.

I suspect that the packages’ composer.json declarations of available service providers are not working as intended.

I think I found the problem:

In my project, I have ACORN_BASEPATH pointing to a must-use plugin directory. It looks like the code linked above does not take must-use plugins into account.

Is this a bug? If so, I can report it. If not, then it should be documented clearly.

I misdiagnosed the issue – it’s actually the dirname(WP_CONTENT_DIR, 2), which only works when WP_CONTENT_DIR is located two directories below project root, like in the Bedrock-like location of $PRJ_ROOT/web/app/.

My project has composer.json in the web root i.e. ABSPATH, with WP_CONTENT_DIR === (ABSPATH . '/wp-content'). There is only one level of difference, hence no results found because two directories up is outside of my project.

I opened a bug report:

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