Alternatives to Bootstrap, frameworks or UI Kits

Great work thank you!

I noticed an issue with the mobile menu not triggering. This is due to a menu_id missing in the wp_nav_menu function.

In header.php I modified line 11 :
wp_nav_menu(['theme_location' => 'primary_navigation', 'menu_class' => 'nav side-nav', 'menu_id' => 'nav-mobile']);

Awesome. Thank you. Couple of issues I’ve noticed so far:


Contain @extend calles which are looking for undefined variables.


For now I just added the !optional “tag” (?) following them.

Also looking into what will be required for submenu items to work.

I’m using PureCSS, which is my all-time favourite.


Wow. Fast & lightweight!

I like Foundation a lot, but I’m not a big fan of using framework classes in my markup for grids and whatnot. So I use their sass mixins instead. And only enable the framework stuff I need for a particular project. Most of the times that’s just the basics like grid, typography, button and form layout/styling, which compiled weighs in at 30kb or so.

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Sweet! Thank you. just sent a PR with latest Sage updates merged in via

Submenu items can be enabled by updating 'depth' => 1 in templates/header.php:

        $cleanermenu = wp_nav_menu( array(
          'theme_location' => 'primary_navigation',
          'container' => false,
          'items_wrap' => '<nav class="mdl-navigation">%3$s</nav>',
          'echo' => false,
          'depth' => 2,
        ) );

How can we use Bootstrap 3.3.7 in Sage instead of Bootstrap 4?

Just clone version 8.4.2 of Sage and then modify your bower.json to update BS to 3.3.7.

I usually roll my own Sass framework but stumbled upon Bulma recently and really like it.