Alternatives to Bootstrap, frameworks or UI Kits

Hi, is anyone using alternatives to Bootstrap with Sage, either other frameworks or even a UI Kit?

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Iā€™m using Materialize on a project Iā€™m currently building. Itā€™s been pretty easy to swap out Bootstrap for Materialize.


Agreed that itā€™s extremely simple to not use Bootstrap if you donā€™t want to. Itā€™s in there as a bower module, so you can use bower to remove bootstrap and install the framework of your choosing (or manually set up the SASS). Theyā€™ve already removed a lot of the BS-specific code, but you may need to tidy a few things up to have it work 100%.

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Iā€™m going to take a look at adding Pure to get me started.
Havenā€™t used Bower before but should be ok as instructions on the Pure site

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sorry, am complete beginner with this stuff.

So I have included Pure and removed Bootstrap using Bower.
When I removed Bootstrap, it said it had removed JQuery. Do I need to reinstall that?

Do I now need to make the additions/removals in the assets.php too?
Does that do the WP enqueueing of scripts?
Are there any other places I need to make changes?

Just wanted to chime in here - I think @ben et al would probably appreciate if you shared forks of Sage with integrated support for the frameworks mentioned above. There are rumors of a yeoman-generator flying around, and I suspect forks with various frameworks already integrated will come in handy when it is time to launch that.

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For fast development Iā€™ve used Foundation + Sage with good results. At the moment i think foundation is a better framework than bootstrap. It is more modular and powerful and has a key feature: itā€™s build on rems instead of px, fundamental to build scalable typography.

I forked sage thanks to @poggenā€™s request and inserted Materialize as a framework.

Pull the repo from and install it the same way you would install sage normally.


Hey, thatā€™s great! Iā€™ve just started working on my own Materialize port. Iā€™ll definitely be checking this out as guidance when I get stuck.

One thing to note, that I canā€™t add to the repo because itā€™s a bower component, is the materialize/sass/components/_icons-material-design.scss file needs to be edited to remove the unicode mixin at the bottom, otherwise it renders CSS like this:


Youā€™ll need to add quotes around the unicode, eg \e8dd => ā€œ\e8ddā€ and remove the unicode method around

content: $mdi-icon-value;

I created a gist to replace this file


That helped, thanks!

Awesome! You bet.

Itā€™s not ideal to have to be editing anything in the bower_components directory so hopefully when the yeoman generator is released this issue will be solved.

@aaronjheinen great fork. Loving Materialize so far. Though I am having trouble with materialize.js and materialize.min.js not being included in the gulp build. I had to manually add them to dist.

It should be included automatically.

A fork with would be nice. Any volunteers? :wink: Basically Materialize, but more structured, and with BEM. More info on

I figured it out. It was added but had to include a init.js file to initiate javascript.

One question. Any good help out there to style a 70/30 sidebar? Iā€™ve been trying with a custom template, but running into issues. Any help would be much appreciated.

I created a Material Design Lite branch on Github:

Itā€™s just the basics. I updated the bower config to support bringing in css and js, and the core markup (just the wrapper, header, and footer).


Just wanted to share how Iā€™ve been doing sidebars for the MDL Mega footer

    'name'          => __('Footer', 'sage'),
    'id'            => 'sidebar-footer',
    'before_title'  => '<input class="mdl-mega-footer__heading-checkbox" type="checkbox" checked><h1 class="mdl-mega-footer__heading">',
    'after_title'   => '</h1><div class="mdl-mega-footer__link-list">',
    'before_widget' => '<section class="mdl-mega-footer__drop-down-section">',
    'after_widget'  => '</div></section>',

Thatā€™s excellent. I had just put the mini footer in my branch. Do you mind if I include your code for the mega footer?

Sure thing @peiche. I was going to mention it on github but issues werenā€™t available on the repo.