Any timeline on Bud for Windows without WSL?

with Laravel Herd, I am completely dumping Vagrant as I mostly write web apps with either Laravel/Vue or Roots Sage/Bedrock. Even though I love Trellis, I needed an environment that I can use on both Windows and OSX seemlessly depending on what computer I’m using without relying on buggy and limiting WSL.

So Herd really does a great job making the whole experience great across OSs. What bugs me now is Bud. Having to hack it to work through WSL is not great so I’m thinking on trying to go through the pain of replacing it with Vite.

Any news on Bud working with Node on Windows without WSL? I saw kellymears did a patch implemented on latest Bud, but it seemingly still needs more work?


mhhm for some reason I have never had issues running bud on any of my systems,
I as well do not use WSL and just stick to gitbash or cmder, never tried poweshell but with it you got to ensure environment variables are correctly set. I also use nvm just incase whatever issue I run into has to do with the node versions… will be great if you share more details on the error.

interesting… the error is below when trying to run yarn build / bud build
or yarn dev / bud dev


× Only URLs with a scheme in: file, data, and node are supported by the default
  ESM loader. On Windows, absolute paths must be valid file:// URLs. Received
  protocol 'c:'

This issue without WSL appears to be noted in the docs as well thus requirement to run Bud through WSL.

I do use both powershell and git bash… Been messing with Vite and Herd now but I saw with release of Bud 6.24 there were some movements on doing it the Vite way.

First error to fix in order to provide native support for Windows. We have to start here because it happens during bootstrapping, so not much of the application can even run.

A similar fix may also need to be applied to @roots/bud-framework/module and @roots/fs. Not sure.

They are calling path.posix.normalize, which is the same as normalize from node:path/posix

That’s from kellymears on latest release fix.

So you are saying @Emmanuel-Odero that you are using just fine bud within Sage on native Windows and not WSL?

One thing to note is that I"m using Laravel Herd (basically Valet under the hood) to unify my dev environments on both Mac and Windows and I’m trying to completely remove Vagrant and WSL from my workflow as they are unreliable.

I thought upgrading bud would sort the issue out,

yarn upgrade @roots/bud

seems that is not the case, I am using Herd on Mac and works just fine I run it using php version 8.3 and above and node version v20.18.0

part of my developer team working on windows has had such an issue since I was not intrested in fixing platform related issues I went a head and dockerized the application(quick fix). Now that you have mentioned this am intrested in going back to windows and generate a fix for this issue. Kindly keep me posted on this you can also hit my DM