Bedrock themes being served from wp/wp-content/themes not web/app/themes

Upon installation, 10 themes are showing in (2010-2020) Appearance>Themes which are in the wp-content/themes folder after running composer create-project. New themes added to web/app/themes are not showing.

Uploading a ‘premium’ plugin over git works in web/app/plugins, so I can assume nginx config etc is working. (I’m running this in a subdirectory, so using alias rather than root)

Nothing changed on the installation, just ran composer create-project, uploaded to server via git and then ran composer install.

How do I tell me installation to look at web/app/themes?

Thanks, Mike

Some progress, rewriting the register themes MU plugin to register_theme_directory(ABSPATH . '../web/app/themes'); at least now points to the correct directory (why the default is left as wp-content/themes is beyond me - how do other installations work?!)

Still, it’s only looking for a folder called twenty-twenty - no idea how I get it pick up the other themes in there


2 issues, is seems you have to run composer require wpackigist-theme/theme-name to include (documentation really unclear on this, seems to suggest that you can just add to git - but you must run a composer require to get them, and I also had a particular issue that I was running a child theme, and hadn’t installed the parent

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