I’m trying to include a MU-Plugin thats hosted on my private bitbucket.
I’ve added the following to my projects composer.json
"type": "vcs",
"url": "git@bitbucket.org:kjprince/disable-year-month-uploads.git"
In the require section I’ve added this:
"kjprince/disable-year-month-uploads": "dev-master"
When I do composer update
it fails and shows the following error:
Downloader "Composer\Downloader\GitDownloader" is a source type downloader and can not be used to dow
nload dist
I updated my composer.json
to use source
instead of dist
and I get the error below:
Skipped branch master, Package kjprince/disable-year-month-uploads's source key should be specified as {"type": ..., "url": ..., "reference": ...},
{"url":"git@bitbucket.org:kjprince\/disable-year-month-uploads.git","type":"git"} given.
My plugin contains the following composer.json
"name": "kjprince/disable-year-month-uploads",
"version": "master",
"type": "wordpress-muplugin",
"source": {
"url": "git@bitbucket.org:kjprince/disable-year-month-uploads.git",
"type": "git"
Anyone know what’s going on here?