Bud v5.7.0 released

Read the release post on bud.js.org for additional details

:roller_skate: Improvements

  • improve: client dev scripts (#1293)
  • improve: bud.config (#1287)

:adhesive_bandage: Fixes

  • fix: remove rules section from bud-tailwindcss base stylelint config (#1239) props @alexdanylyschyn
  • fix: add scss stylelint rules for tailwindcss (#1288) props @joshf
  • fix: indicator/hmr errors (#1248)
  • fix: bud.terser (#1285)
  • fix: babel root (#1284)
  • fix: bud.alias (#1283)
  • fix: error logging (#1290)

Upgrade guide

If you were using bud.serve to set SSL options, you’ll need to update that call as the function’s API has changed slightly:

  url: 'https://my-site.com',
  key: '/path/to/site.key',
  cert: '/path/to/site.crt',


bud.serve('https://my-site.com', {
  key: '/path/to/site.key',
  cert: '/path/to/site.crt',

You may pass any other node server options you want or need to using the second parameter.

:eyes: More information


We’ve had two bumps to correct post-release bugs. Make sure to upgrade to 5.7.2!

I hope you all enjoy the new dev experience. I’m sure we’ll be iterating on it more in the coming weeks.

You might also be interested in updated docs for bud.watch and bud.assets:

And a new guide on options available to you when specifying paths to files in bud. This was one of the bigger changes in 5.6.0:

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:information_source: We’ve done a few more patch releases this week and recommend bumping to 5.7.6