Bud v6.6.10 released

bud v6.6.10 released

:wrench: decouple theme json from @roots/sage (#1982)

Breaks the bud.wpjson feature from @roots/sage into two extensions and a webpack plugin to be combined as needed in projects. @roots/sage now includes these extensions as part of the preset it provides. See the PR for details.

:adhesive_bandage: fix(@roots/sage): serve options including hostname (#1983)

Fixes an issue where setting a proper hostname (fully qualified URL or string; rather than an interface or a port) would cause proxied assets to 500.

:adhesive_bandage: fix: ensure process exit code is set on compilation error (#1985)

Fixes an issue where process exit code would not be set to 1 even if an error is not explicitly thrown by compiler. Adds integration test to protect against regressions.

:package: dependencies: improve peer dependencies

Better defines peer dependencies. This should hep guarantee a flat node_modules and an easier time for users of package managers with stricter peer dependencies resolution strategies (like pnpm).

Associated PRs:

:pray:t3: Update package.json contributors

Now automatically pulling contributors from git history and crediting in each package’s manifest. Thanks to everyone!