Can't access backend and files not loading

Installed trellis and bedrock on El Capitan.

When I go to my local site now: it shows a page with no css loading and says, “Skip to Content…Example…Just another WordPress Site…Recent Post…Recent Comments…etc”. Ultimately it’s loading the default 2015 theme but in Chrome console there are 7 errors since the js files and css files are not loading because they say:

“Refused to execute script from…because its MIME type (‘text/html’) is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.” and "Resource interpreted as Stylesheet but transferred with MIME type text/html: " etc.

The default 2015 theme uses HTML5 though and doesnt have strict in the top html declaration. Not sure what is going on and surprisingly nothing coming up in Google.

Also if I go to it forwards to “” and says 404 Not Found Nginx.

I’m not sure why its forwarding to /wp-login.php and not /wp/wp-login.php.

In my wordpress_sites_yaml for dev I have for home and site url. Am I suppose to have /wp at the end of one of those?

Have no idea what’s going on and Google, Stack Overflow and Discussions here don’t seem to show the issue so not sure why its happening on a default install. If anyone has any ideas or push in the right direction that would be awesome! First time doing Trellis, and Bedrock on El Capitan.

siteurl needs to have /wp on it

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Thank you, that fixed bother issues!