Can't build css files


I’m getting errors when running npm install in the roots theme folder. When trying to run grunt:less I get

Warning: cannot read property 'contents' of undefined

It finishes with

npm !ERR weird error 3

Is there an older version of less, grunt or bower that I can try installing explicitly to work around it?

Is there any more to the error message? That line doesn’t really say anything helpful.

Also any information about your environment too might be helpful.

Similar grunt or npm issues can be found, one in particular is here
Theme installation requires multiple steps that can be seen here
I personally have to run npm install and bower install separately for some reason I haven’t cared enough to track down yet too, so make sure all packages got installed.

Also, did you alter your grunt file at all? That error seems to imply that it was attempting to read something that doesn’t exist. Can you run any of the grunt subroutines? Say grunt:jshint?

Thanks, I’m going with a different starter for this project as it’s very simple but has to be done on a short timeline. I’ll post back next time I try using roots if I’m still having trouble.