Can't override bootstrap 4 via bower

So trying to remove unused bootstrap elements from my site.

Everything i’ve read points to doing it here but there are no bootstrap 4, SASS examples i can find

I got the this scss list from the bower_components/bootstrap/_bootstrap.scss file. But for some reason it doesn’t seem to grab everything so the css wont compile.

bower.json -

  "name": "sage",
  "homepage": "",
  "authors": [
    "Ben Word <>"
  "license": "MIT",
  "private": true,
  "dependencies": {
    "bootstrap": "git://",
    "popper.js": "^1.12.3",
    "font-awesome": "fontawesome#^4.7.0"
  "overrides": {
    "bootstrap": {
      "main": [

Errors all point to missing mixins etc.

messageOriginal: no mixin named media-breakpoint-up

Anyone successfully cut out unwanted scss and js files from bootstrap?

These aren’t filepaths. You need to use the filepath, not the same format you would be using inside a Sass stylesheet (add the file extensions and the underscores).

hey ben - thanks added the extension but still the same?

"bootstrap": {
  "main": [

`Error: no mixin named media-breakpoint-up


Or do we need ./../bower_components/ or similar?

ok - working bower file here. Remove what you don’t need!

  "name": "sage",
  "homepage": "",
  "authors": [
    "Ben Word <>"
  "license": "MIT",
  "private": true,
  "dependencies": {
    "bootstrap": "git://",
    "popper.js": "^1.12.3",
    "font-awesome": "fontawesome#^4.7.0"
   "overrides": {
    "bootstrap": {
      "main": [
