The full message
TASK [deploy : WordPress Installed?] *******************************************
fatal: [XXX.XXX.XX.XXX]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "cmd": ["wp", "core", "is-installed"], "delta": "0:00:00.268589", "end": "2016-02-01 17:29:50.279160", "failed": true, "failed_when_result": true, "rc": 1, "start": "2016-02-01 17:29:50.010571", "stderr": "WordPress database error Table 'chapel_dev.wp_blogs' doesn't exist for query SELECT * FROM wp_blogs WHERE domain = '' AND path = '/' made by include('phar:///usr/bin/wp/php/boot-phar.php'), include('phar:///usr/bin/wp/php/wp-cli.php'), WP_CLI\\Runner->start, WP_CLI\\Runner->load_wordpress, require('phar:///usr/bin/wp/php/wp-settings-cli.php'), require('wp-includes/ms-settings.php'), get_site_by_path\nWordPress database error Table 'chapel_dev.wp_sitemeta' doesn't exist for query SELECT meta_value FROM wp_sitemeta WHERE meta_key = 'site_name' AND site_id = 1 made by include('phar:///usr/bin/wp/php/boot-phar.php'), include('phar:///usr/bin/wp/php/wp-cli.php'), WP_CLI\\Runner->start, WP_CLI\\Runner->load_wordpress, require('phar:///usr/bin/wp/php/wp-settings-cli.php'), require('wp-includes/ms-settings.php'), WP_Network->__construct, WP_Network->_set_site_name, get_network_option\nWordPress database error Table 'chapel_dev.wp_sitemeta' doesn't exist for query SELECT meta_value FROM wp_sitemeta WHERE meta_key = 'siteurl' AND site_id = 1 made by include('phar:///usr/bin/wp/php/boot-phar.php'), include('phar:///usr/bin/wp/php/wp-cli.php'), WP_CLI\\Runner->start, WP_CLI\\Runner->load_wordpress, require('phar:///usr/bin/wp/php/wp-settings-cli.php'), wp_cookie_constants, get_site_option, get_network_option", "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": [], "warnings": []}
Aside from that, I’m confused about the “doesn’t install WordPress on remote servers.” Does that mean I need to create web
directory and install there?
I had seen in the forums a suggestion to use
- if ! wp core is-installed; then wp core install --url="{{ project.env.wp_home }}" --title="{{project.site_title }}" --admin_user="{{ project.admin_user }}" --admin_password="{{ project.admin_password }}" --admin_email="{{ project.admin_email }}"; fi
in role/deploy/defaults/main.yml file, but that doesn’t seem to do anything.
EDIT Looking closer, I don’t have either the trellis or site folder. Do I need to install all of that on the server somehow? Must admit, the documentation on this part seems sparse.