'content is undefined' Error after adding bud-vue in clean sage10 install

I was upgrading a theme to sage10 and encountered this error which can be easily reproduced by:

  1. Creating a clean sage10 install
  2. yarn add @roots/bud-vue@5.8.7 (making sure it’s the same version as the @roots/sage dependency)
  3. Run yarn dev and find the result in the browser console.

Screenshot 2022-06-26 at 23.41.50

Installed dependencies:
@roots/bud”: “5.8.7”,
@roots/bud-tailwindcss”: “5.8.7”,
@roots/sage”: “5.8.7”
@roots/bud-vue”: “5.8.7”

I am not the most experienced coder, but I love using Sage. Hopefully somebody knows what’s going on because I don’t. Thanks!

Is yarn build giving the same error?

Please use the existing topic for this problem. You’ll find a one-line temporary fix to apply there. The fix for this problem is slated to be included in 6.3.0.


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Yes it does, but then of course in a optimized version.