CookieYes scan fails on Trellis sites

Has anyone managed to get CookieYes scan work with Trellis sites?

Related docs: Why Does the Cookie Scan for My Website Fail? - CookieYes

My little experience with ferm didn’t help; simply disabling it (and re-provisioning) did not do it and neither did whitelisting their IP address (in trellis/group_vars/all/security.yml) that I saw in access.log.

Are you scanning it from the website or from a plugin?

I tried their website scan both on our website and on our client’s website. We use Trellis with Sage 9 and they have manually set up Nginx with Sage 10, and I get the same answer on both sites. :thinking:

We’ve got their plugin installed and then scan at That would update and categorise cookies “automatically”.

I’ve also run the scan at which, funnily enough, runs just fine but requires manual categorisation etc settings, which is a) PITA and b) error-prone.

Finally, my real problem currently is that, while I believe I have set everything correctly per what the 2nd style of scanning finds, WooCommerce is broken. I’d be curious if the other scan finds and sets something different.

I’ve also read the cookies in the browser’s dev tools but can’t find anything wrong.

I don’t want to make this a CookieYes support thread and anything that breaks WooCommerce is a matter of another discussion. I’m just curious of Trellis settings, which may block the cookies scan at