Corcel missing dependency

I’ve come across an issue after adding Corcel to my radicle project and browsing my website:

Skipping provider [Corcel\Laravel\CorcelServiceProvider] because it requires a dependency that cannot be found.

After a bit of head scratching (mostly because i can run cli commands without issue, even when using Corcel), i found out that Corcel relies on the Illuminate/auth package which is missing from radicle/acorn.

This issue can be solved by simply

composer require illuminate/auth

If you want to use Corcel’s WordPress user auth mecanism, you’ll need to publish auth.php and add/change:

    'providers' => [
        'users' => [
            'driver' => 'corcel',
            'model'  => Corcel\Model\User::class,

Hopefully this will help others.