Debugging javascript from source

I would like to set debug breakpoints in my javascript source files in VS Code. When I launch the debugger, the breakpoints aren’t recognized. I can see the compiled files in the Loaded Scripts panel and set breakpoints in them, but not in the source files. I see that the sourceURL in the compiled files is like webpack://@roots/bud/sage/./scripts/app.js. Do I need to adjust my VS Code launch configuration to support this source map? Anyone have a successful configuration for debugging javascript Sage?

My launch configuration for VS Code is:

	"name": "Launch Chrome",
	"request": "launch",
	"type": "chrome",
	"url": "https://mydomain.local:3000",
	"webRoot": "${workspaceFolder}/",
	"sourceMaps": true,
	"trace": true,
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I have the same question, did you figure it out?

Unfortunately, not yet.