Deploy with capistrano, wrong assets path in webpack

Hello everyone, finally I switched on bedrock + capistrano + sage development :heart: Love it.

I have improved the basic script of bedrock-capistrano for my needs, and it works perfectly.

All assets are compiled locally and pushed on server with capistrano from my macbook, all works but this generate an issue with assets path.

The path declared in config.json is for local development is"publicPath": "/app/themes/sage" but for the deploy I need to set this to "publicPath": "/myproject/current/web/app/themes/sage".

Now, everytime before the deploy I have to change this path.

Anyone have an idea or solution to automate this process? Maybe with a webpack cli parameter to change the value in developement phase.

Thank you :slight_smile:

This should be considered a bug since we need to support publicPath for both local dev and then production. Could you please open a new issue on GitHub about it?

That said, it seems weird that /current/web/ would need to be in your publicPath since that part of the folder structure isn’t public/exposed to the web.

Hi @ben, thank you for reply.
Before opening an issue on github, I have to tell you that I’m using the alpha1. I don’t know if the bug has been solved in last release.