Deploying to Managed WordPress

Hi there,

Just wondering if anyone is successfully deploying their sage theme/WP environment to a managed wordpress host? If so, which host are you using and are you able to compile your theme assets upon deployment (run gulp)?

My current production environments are running on shared hosting where I utilize DeployBot to push my file changes (sync’d with Bitbucket). It also allows me to run gulp and compile my theme upon deployment via its in-built task runner which is great. I also use WP Migrage DB Pro to push database changes.

This workflow has served me relatively well (aside from DeployBot being a little unstable from time to time) however I want to move away from Shared Hosting and not real keen on the idea of VPS as I know nothing about managing servers.

I’ve only used Sage (without Bedrock), on a managed WP host, but try searching Discourse for WP Engine or other popular managed hosts to see if anyone has tried it.

You might want to give the Trellis workflow a shot using Digital Ocean. I don’t have a lot of experience dealing with servers and had no problem getting it set up the first time. Trellis handles all the server provisioning and deployment, taking out a lot of the guesswork. You’d be able to keep using Bitbucket and Migrate DB Pro too. There’s a bit of a learning curve the first time through, but it’s definitely worth it.


I’m on a VPS plan with Pagely and I use Capistrano for my deploys. I have no problem using npm, gulp, and bower on the VPS to obtain and compile automatically during the deploy process. I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Oh that’s interesting to know. I’d really like to make a move over to Pagely but I was a bit deterred by the pricing. Do you find it to be worth the money? I noticed their starting price for VPS is $399 a month :hushed:

I’m the lead developer for an agency and WordPress accounts for probably 80% of our business. Given the number of sites we host, yes, the VPS plan is absolutely worth it. It would definitely be overkill though if I only had 2 or 3 sites to host. I’m probably hosting 20 or so WordPress sites, and of those several are multisites. Their support is pretty good, too.

@roryatbrightoak It’s nice to see that you’re already running your business out of Pagely. I just got a VPS account at Pagely and we’re planning to move our major client sites over there in the next couple weeks.

It would be great if you can share your approach for deploying with Capistrano for deploying?

I’m actually now migrating over to Envoyer instead of Capistrano, because it’s just a really solid product and I do a lot of Laravel work, too. Here’s something I put together on gist a while back. There are a couple files in there that are only for setting up a staging environment for an existing site, but just omitting those two should get you something working.

Let me know if I can be of help with it.