Deploying to remote server staging/production


I still haven’t gotten my head around the new deploy scripts. I used the old Capistrano config to deploy my previous project and that took some time to learn.

Like the new setup. It looks much cleaner but I’m stuck and hope someone can help med out!

I am not using Ansible to provision the remote server. Is that a problem? I just want to deploy my updated site files on each deploy and do npm/bower install and run gulp to compile the assets.

If I look in group_vars/all it says www_root: /srv/www that suggests to me that I should overwrite this in the group_vars/staging if I have a different folder on the remote.

Also looking in roles/deploy/defaults/main.yml I see a lot of different settings for which files and folders to keep between deploy. Is this the file I should edit?

Suggestions to a good resource where I can learn about Ansible and configs would be appreciated!

When I run ansible-playbook -i hosts/staging server.yml as step 4 in the README says I get the following problem.

TASK: [fail2ban | ensure fail2ban is configured] ******************************
fatal: [] => template error while templating string: unexpected ')'

FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************
           to retry, use: --limit @/Users/stefan/server.retry              : ok=7    changed=1    unreachable=1    failed=0

Anyone ran into this?

Rebasing the latest bedrock-ansible and doing a provisioning solves the problem of fail2ban. I think I might be able to figure the rest out now. So this thread can be closed but I think this highlights my other thread where I’m curious if a new release version of bedrock-ansible is on the roadmap.

I’ve been playing around with the new Ansible deploys for two days now on a remote box.

Just wanted to say that I love it! You guys done a great job and I think this is a huge improvement to the Capistrano workflow! Especially like stuff like the ability to pre-build assets for production using Gulp locally and then transferring them to the server instead of having the server do the heavy lifting. Very clever!
