Dev server doesn't work when update Bud

I was working with bud 6.4.5. When I try to upgrade to 6.5.3 or 6.6.3 I can’t access to dev URL from browser.

My initial server config (working with 6.4.5):

     * Proxy origin (`WP_HOME`)

     * Development origin
      host: '',
      cert: app.path('/Users/aitor/Library/Application Support/mkcert/'),
      key: app.path('/Users/aitor/Library/Application Support/mkcert/'),

This config, at yarn dev, returns



ℹ server
├─ proxying: https://nomanisanisland.test (​https://nomanisanisland.test​)
├─ internal: https://localhost:3000 (​https://localhost:3000​)
└─ external: (​​)

… watching project sources (and 55 other files)

So even though it works, there must be something wrong with this configuration.

When upgrade to 6.5.3 yarn dev doesn’t return the proxy:

ℹ server
├─ internal: https://localhost:3000 (​https://localhost:3000​)
├─ external: (​​)

… watching project sources (and 55 other files)

Also I tried to add a node URL as docs said.

Captura de pantalla 2022-11-30 a las 9.07.50

host: new URL('')

It throws an error of argument type in the IDE, and yarn dev doesnt work.

I don’t think there is anything wrong. and localhost are functionally equivalent here (they both resolve to the same place unless you’re using a container of some kind). The url formatter just prefers localhost because there are less issues with it across different environments.

This is the formatter:

Would it be better if it said something like internal: https://localhost:3000 (, ssl enabled)?

Thanks for pointing out the issue with the docs. I updated them to reflect the actual available options.

Just to be clear – your dev server is still working – the concern is just that the dashboard says https://localhost:3000 instead of

If is secure but localhost isn’t, I’d recommend generating the certificate with an actual hostname (this is a good idea, generally). At the very least, specify all the interfaces the site might be resolved from:

mkcert localhost mysite.test ::1

Thank you for your help and explanations.

Just in case, I have generated a new certificate, but the old one was also valid for both domains localhost and

$ mkcert nomanisanisland.test localhost ::1 
Note: the local CA is not installed in the Firefox trust store.
Run "mkcert -install" for certificates to be trusted automatically ⚠️

Created a new certificate valid for the following names 📜
 - "nomanisanisland.test"
 - "localhost"
 - ""
 - "::1"

The certificate is at "./nomanisanisland.test+3.pem" and the key at "./nomanisanisland.test+3-key.pem" ✅

Then I’ve updated the server setup:

     * Proxy origin (`WP_HOME`)

     * Development origin
      url: new URL(''),
      cert: app.path('/Users/aitor/Library/Application Support/mkcert/nomanisanisland.test+3.pem'),
      key: app.path('/Users/aitor/Library/Application Support/mkcert/nomanisanisland.test+3-key.pem'),

Then, yarn dev output:

ℹ server
├─ internal: https://localhost:3000 (​https://localhost:3000​)
├─ external: (​​)

… watching project sources (and 55 other files)

EDIT: Note that there is no proxy like this:

ℹ server
├─ proxying: https://nomanisanisland.test (​https://nomanisanisland.test​)

I tried to replace



.proxy(new URL('https://nomanisanisland.test'))

Then, when I try to acces to https://localhost:3000 or with browser, it keep waiting until timeout.


It’s not a problem with certificates, because that kind of problem is reported in the browser and I can access with no problems to https://nomanisanisland.test. It has to be something else.

My setup is a little different than this, but I was having the same problem. Bud 6.6.5 seems to have resolved the issue.


Thanks for the notice!