Different languages and bedrock workflow

Hi all,
I was trying to build my production website (nois3.it) over bedrock. Fact is we’re using WPML and and italian localization for Wordpress.
How can I integrate italian localization into this beautiful workflow?


There’s a long issue about language support here: https://github.com/roots/bedrock/issues/30

The easiest way is to copy your italian language files into app/languages and it should work.

There’s some more advanced workarounds in that issue if you want the files to work from within wp/wp-content/languages. With that workaround, you could replace this ZIP https://github.com/roots/bedrock/blob/master/composer.json#L49 with the Italian specific one.

that worked! thank you!

If you want them to be up to date you can check out this: Install&Update wordpress languages with composer