Enqueuing bundles from Composers

Hi. I’m an avid user of Sage and found myself using composers more and more.
I’m also using Bud bundler in an atomic way of loading page-specific styles, which I do from app/setup using wordpress conditionals.

use function Roots\bundle;
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', function () {
    if( is_page_template('sometemplate.blade.php') ) ){
    if( is_front_page()){
}, 100);

So far so good.

Now I would like to step that game further and be able to enqueue bundles in composers. My point is being able to contextualize css/js with templates variables/content. The granularity of $views is particularly appealing.

I know composers are for structuring datas for views only, but I feel that bundling scripts and css for those views could be considered a logical part of content, like they do in JS SPA frameworks.
So far,

public function __construct()

achieves what I desired.

However I don’t really know how to approach that,or even if there’s a more streamlined way to do it. What would you advise?

Thank you.