Error: mkdir(): Permission denied

I am a WordPress user that is out of my depth after inheriting an Intranet built from scratch using stack, Bedrock as WP boilerplate & Sage for WP starter theme. The codebase has been structured to possibly allow using Trellis to streamline DevOps.

I’ve installed a plugin WP Staging, which will not work giving an error message: Unable to create directory. Reason: mkdir(): Permission denied

I have CMOD the directories to 777, but there must be a file somewhere that is preventing the write permission.

Is there a file in the structure that would typically manage this overwriting CMOD + wp-config.php

Many thanks in advance

This may be caused by Bedrock setting DISALLOW_FILE_MODS which prevents files from being written outside of the content directory for security and replicable deployment reasons.

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100% correct Alwaysblanks, you know your Bedrock

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