Error on TASK [sshd : Create a secure sshd_config]

I have an error on provision that I had not seen before:

TASK [sshd : Create a secure sshd_config] ******************************************
failed to validate
tmp-1658476286.0649073-13512-202590143914894/source line 9: no argument after
keyword "AcceptEnv"
tmp-1658476286.0649073-13512-202590143914894/source: terminating, 1 bad
configuration options
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "checksum": "e40525134a69e0f4358cb71d9c79b73584cca37d", "exit_status": 255, "stderr_lines": ["/root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1658476286.0649073-13512-202590143914894/source line 9: no argument after keyword \"AcceptEnv\"", "/root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1658476286.0649073-13512-202590143914894/source: terminating, 1 bad configuration options"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}

Any ideas for a solution?

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Problem solved, I’m dumb and I have provisioned on a Ubuntu 22 :man_facepalming:


“Dumb”, (forgetful or just ignorant) here, too. Thanks for posting. Curious why this issue pops up in Ubuntu 22.

Hi, I am facing same issue and I am also using ubuntu 22.04. Does trellis not work on ubuntu 22.04 ? I couldn’t find anything as such in the documentation.

Could you please elaborate on your solution. What did you do to fix it ? @pacotole

Thanks in advance!


Thanks so much @swalkinshaw . I overlooked this point.