FSE Themes Support / Using "Twenty Twenty Four" Theme with Radicle

Hi everyone,

I’m pretty new with the roots stack and still evaluating it for my needs.

I’ve jumped right in Radicle and got very impressed, as I’ve been able to build a fully automated push to deploy workflow from GitHub to Digital Ocean in a matter of hours.

I understand the power of Radicle when it comes to “custom themes” development.

However, I’m wondering if it’s a viable option when using 3rd party (commercial) themes ?

I can’t enable “block themes” (also called “FSE themes”), that do not have an “index.php” file. For example :

  • twenty twenty four
  • twenty twenty three
  • twenty twenty two

However, I can successfully enable “twenty twenty one”, which has an “index.php” file.

My question is : am I doing it right ? Maybe I’m not using Radicle as it was meant for.


Ressources :

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You should be able to get up and running by doing this:

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Dear Ben you’re awesome.
Works like a charm.
Thank you so much. :pray: