fullPage.js causing issues

I have been trying to get fullPage.js to work in Roots.io, but with no luck. It seems to stop me from even scrolling now. I added the JS into the Grunt.js file:

uglify: {
  dist: {
    files: {
      'assets/js/scripts.min.js': [

and CSS (as LESS) through an @import:

@import "fullpage/jquery.fullPage.less";
@import "bootstrap/bootstrap.less";

and I am routing the initialization function call through _main.js.

home: {
init: function() {
  // JavaScript to be fired on the home page

Has anyone else worked with fullPage.js that might have a pointer? I am just trying to get this off the ground and it is failing.

Thanks for the help.

It may not be the only problem, but the Bootstrap import should definitely come first.

I haven’t used fullpage.js yet (looks cool though), but what does you’re HTML look like? It seems to call for very specific HTML markup.

Want to post up an example or better explain the issues you’re having?

Any console.log issues?