Gitignore the public/vendor directory in Radicle?

I’m playing around with Radicle for the first time. I noticed that the blade-heroicons package publishes all of its SVGs to the public/vendor/blade-heroicons directory… and I’m guessing other Laravel packages might put things there, too, when installed.

Should public/vendor/* be added to .gitignore, same as public/dist/* is? It’s not in the .gitignore that comes with Radicle. I’m not that familiar with Laravel and a bit of googling was inconclusive.

The .gitignore from the laravel/laravel repo does not account for this. You would need those files in the repo unless you were to run the vendor:publish command during your deploy process to place them into that directory.

It does this only if you specifically want to use the raw SVG icons as assets, instead of using the Blade components. I’ve never done this personally, and I just use the self-closing Blade components (<x-heroicon-o-arrow-path class="..." />.

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Aha! That solves the puzzle — I’d wondered how those two would work together. Thank you.

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