Grunt-init Roots Template

Hey everyone,

I’ve been looking for a way to start my projects via grunt and came across this:

Does anyone know of a grunt-init project that uses Roots?

If not I’m considering forking that project and starting one.


I would consider taking a look at Bedrock instead. Only because IMO you would probably be better off installing Wordpress either via Composer or else WP-CLI, instead of using Git subtrees as that repository seems to use.

I’ve considered Bedrock. Looks like a great project but it’ll take me some time to get familiar with that project structure. I’ll check out the screencast to get started.


I kinda agree with Kalen. Bedrock is the full solution.
If you are just looking for a quick project to start your repo and want to try composer, you can start with this Skeleton Repo

It requires composer. You can checkout the roots-branch to have roots installed alongside.
It will still require you to have some knowledge of the stack, so it will still require some time to get started.