"Grunt Watch" forgets to set the LR version of "main.css" when only .php files are modified

I’m facing this problem on Roots v7.

Explaining better, running fine is like:

  • grunt watch;
  • Edit a .less file and a .php file (or only a .less file), save all;
  • Grunt sees the modifications and runs LiveReload;
  • The page reloads with the new content and something like “main.css?livereload=123456789” on the header, loading the new styles.

Great! That’s the Roots’ Magic (feat. Grunt) we all love. But…

Here’s problem:

  • If I edit only a .php file;
  • Grunt sees the modification;
  • The page reloads with the new PHP content;
  • But I get just “main.css” on the header, loading an old version of my styles (not the last one, older).

What I’ve been doing to get around this is typing and deleting random stuff on a .less file, so grunt thinks that it’s new styles to compile.

p.s.: English is not my main language.

Thanks Ben, Scott, Nick and everybody else, for this great project and community that made me learn so much stuff!

Solved the problem.

LiveReload doesn’t work well with a Reverse Proxy, which isn’t necessary in a development environment.

Everything is working fine again.
