I’m having some issues with Special Comments in CSS and SCSS. I’m new to npm, bower, gulp and so on… so I hope I’m not doing things wrong.
I added normalize.css and animate.css with:
- bower install --save animate-css
- bower install --save normalize.css
When I run ‘gulp’ every seems ok. But then I check dist/styles/main.css and animate.css and normalize.css special comments (those that start with /*!
) are breaking the resulting CSS.
So I found this: gulp-minify-css - npm
There is a keepSpecialComments: 0
setting to nuke all comments.
I’ve tryng editing gulpfile.js at line 90 from:
.pipe($.minifyCss({keepSpecialComments: 0 }))
But then I get errors when trying to compile with gulp:
[14:32:23] 'styles' errored after 1.87 s [14:32:23] Error: Invalid call to lazypipe().pipe(): argument is not a function. Remember not to call stream creation functions directly! e.g.: pipe(foo), not pipe(foo()) at validateStep (C:\Websites\icaro\www.icaro.dev\app\themes\icaro\node_modules\lazypipe\index.js:11:10) at Function.build.pipe (C:\Websites\icaro\www.icaro.dev\app\themes\icaro\node_modules\lazypipe\index.js:36:4) at cssTasks (C:\Websites\icaro\www.icaro.dev\app\themes\icaro\gulpfile.js:90:8) at C:\Websites\icaro\www.icaro.dev\app\themes\icaro\gulpfile.js:149:28 at arrayEach (C:\Websites\icaro\www.icaro.dev\app\themes\icaro\node_modules\asset-builder\node_modules\lodash\index.js:1342:13) at Function.<anonymous> (C:\Websites\icaro\www.icaro.dev\app\themes\icaro\node_modules\asset-builder\node_modules\lodash\index.js:3299:13) at Manifest.forEachDependency (C:\Websites\icaro\www.icaro.dev\app\themes\icaro\node_modules\asset-builder\lib\Manifest.js:47:5) at Gulp.<anonymous> (C:\Websites\icaro\www.icaro.dev\app\themes\icaro\gulpfile.js:148:12) at module.exports (C:\Websites\icaro\www.icaro.dev\app\themes\icaro\node_modules\gulp\node_modules\orchestrator\lib\runTask.js:34:7) at Gulp.Orchestrator._runTask (C:\Websites\icaro\www.icaro.dev\app\themes\icaro\node_modules\gulp\node_modules\orchestrator\index.js:273:3)
Normally I’m able to solve this kind of stuff alone with the help of some Google magic… but this I can’t. Hope you can help shed some light on this.
Thanks guys!