Having trouble compiling sass / scss after adding vuetify

Hello everyone,

I have been trying to build a Sage theme using Sage 10 + Bud 6.12.3, Vue 3 and Vuetify. So far I’ve managed to get past most of the issues that i’ve encountered so far, but the one error that I’ve had no success rectifying is that when i add my app.scss file to the entry (or import it using app.js, I get the following error:

│ Module parse failed: Unexpected token (1:5)
│ You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file.
See https://webpack.js.org/concepts#loaders
│ > body {
│ |     background-color: #{var(--theme-color-background)};

Here is my bud.config.js file:

 * Compiler configuration
 * @see {@link https://roots.io/docs/sage sage documentation}
 * @see {@link https://bud.js.org/guides/configure bud.js configuration guide}
 * @param {import('@roots/bud').Bud} app
import { VuetifyPlugin } from 'webpack-plugin-vuetify'
import { readdirSync, statSync } from 'fs'

export default async (app) => {
   * Add some babel presets
   * Application assets & entrypoints
   * @see {@link https://bud.js.org/docs/bud.entry}
   * @see {@link https://bud.js.org/docs/bud.assets}
    .entry('app', ['@scripts/app', '@styles/app'])
    .entry('editor', ['@scripts/editor', '@styles/editor'])

   * Static assets, especially those used as defaults
  app.alias('@static', app.path('@src/static'))
  const files = readdirSync(app.path('@src/static'))
  files.forEach(file => {
    const budPath = `static/${file}`
    const path = app.path(`@src/static/${file}`)
    const stats = statSync(path)
    if (stats.isFile()) {
    } else if (stats.isDirectory()) {

   * Add Vuetify
   * @see {@link https://bud.js.org/docs/bud.use#usage}
   * @see {@link https://www.npmjs.com/package/webpack-plugin-vuetify}
   * @see {@link https://discourse.roots.io/t/fontsource-error-unexpected-character/22629/2}
  app.compilePaths([app.path('@modules/vuetify'), app.path('@modules/@mdi/font')])
  app.hooks.action(`build.before`, async app => {
    app.build.rules.sass.test = /\.s[ac]ss$/i
  app.config( existing => {
      new VuetifyPlugin({
        autoImport: true,
        styles: 'sass',
    return existing

   * Set public path
   * @see {@link https://bud.js.org/docs/bud.setPublicPath}

   * Vue Confiugration
   * @see {@link https://budjs.org/extensions/bud-vue}
  app.vue.set('runtimeOnly', false);

   * Development server settings
   * @see {@link https://bud.js.org/docs/bud.setUrl}
   * @see {@link https://bud.js.org/docs/bud.setProxyUrl}
   * @see {@link https://bud.js.org/docs/bud.watch}
    .watch(['resources/views', 'app']);

   * Generate WordPress `theme.json`
   * @note This overwrites `theme.json` on every build.
   * @see {@link https://bud.js.org/extensions/sage/theme.json}
   * @see {@link https://developer.wordpress.org/block-editor/how-to-guides/themes/theme-json}
    .set('settings.color.custom', false)
    .set('settings.color.customDuotone', false)
    .set('settings.color.customGradient', false)
    .set('settings.color.defaultDuotone', false)
    .set('settings.color.defaultGradients', false)
    .set('settings.color.defaultPalette', false)
    .set('settings.color.duotone', [])
    .set('settings.custom.spacing', {})
    .set('settings.custom.typography.font-size', {})
    .set('settings.custom.typography.line-height', {})
    .set('settings.spacing.padding', true)
    .set('settings.spacing.units', ['px', '%', 'em', 'rem', 'vw', 'vh'])
    .set('settings.typography.customFontSize', false)

Here is my package.json:

  "name": "sage",
  "private": true,
  "browserslist": [
    "extends @roots/browserslist-config"
  "engines": {
    "node": ">=16.0.0"
  "type": "module",
  "scripts": {
    "dev": "bud dev",
    "build": "bud build",
    "watch": "nodemon --exec \"bud build --notify\"",
    "translate": "yarn translate:pot && yarn translate:update",
    "translate:pot": "wp i18n make-pot . ./resources/lang/sage.pot --include=\"app,resources\"",
    "translate:update": "wp i18n update-po ./resources/lang/sage.pot ./resources/lang/*.po",
    "translate:compile": "yarn translate:mo && yarn translate:js",
    "translate:js": "wp i18n make-json ./resources/lang --pretty-print",
    "translate:mo": "wp i18n make-mo ./resources/lang ./resources/lang",
    "populate:google:fonts": "node ./bin/populateGoogleFonts.cjs"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@mdi/font": "^7.2.96",
    "@roots/bud": "^6.12.3",
    "@roots/bud-babel": "^6.12.3",
    "@roots/bud-imagemin": "^6.12.3",
    "@roots/bud-postcss": "^6.12.3",
    "@roots/bud-sass": "^6.12.3",
    "@roots/bud-vue": "^6.12.3",
    "@roots/sage": "^6.12.3",
    "@vue/cli-plugin-babel": "^5.0.8",
    "@vue/compiler-sfc": "^3.3.4",
    "@vue/runtime-dom": "^3.3.4",
    "axios": "^1.4.0",
    "caniuse-lite": "^1.0.30001489",
    "deepmerge": "^4.3.1",
    "nodemon": "^2.0.22",
    "postcss-scss": "^4.0.6",
    "sass": "^1.62.1",
    "sass-loader": "^13.3.0",
    "vue": "^3.3.4",
    "vuetify": "^3.3.1",
    "webpack-plugin-vuetify": "^2.0.1"
  "nodemonConfig": {
    "watch": [
    "ext": "js,scss,json,vue"

Message continues in the comment below due to character limit limitations.

Here’s the result of running util.inspect on app.build.rules:
(I’ve replaced the real directory on my computer with <root> for privacy reasons)

  toml: Rule {
    _app: [Function (anonymous)],
    type: 'json',
    include: [ [Function (anonymous)] ],
    test: [Function (anonymous)],
    parser: [Function (anonymous)]
  xml: Rule {
    _app: [Function (anonymous)],
    include: [ [Function (anonymous)] ],
    test: [Function (anonymous)],
    use: [ 'xml' ]
  csv: Rule {
    _app: [Function (anonymous)],
    include: [
    test: [Function (anonymous)],
    use: [ 'csv' ]
  yml: Rule {
    _app: [Function (anonymous)],
    test: [Function (anonymous)],
    include: [ [Function (anonymous)] ],
    use: [ 'yml' ]
  html: Rule {
    _app: [Function (anonymous)],
    include: [ [Function (anonymous)] ],
    test: /\.(html?)$/,
    use: [ 'html' ]
  json: Rule {
    _app: [Function (anonymous)],
    type: 'json',
    include: [ [Function (anonymous)] ],
    test: /\.json$/,
    parser: [Function (anonymous)]
  font: Rule {
    _app: [Function (anonymous)],
    type: 'asset',
    test: /\.(ttf|otf|eot|woff2?|ico)$/,
    include: [ [Function (anonymous)] ]
  svg: Rule {
    _app: [Function (anonymous)],
    test: /\.svg$/,
    include: [ [Function (anonymous)] ],
    type: 'asset/resource'
  webp: Rule {
    _app: [Function (anonymous)],
    test: /\.webp$/,
    include: [ [Function (anonymous)] ],
    type: 'asset/resource'
  image: Rule {
    _app: [Function (anonymous)],
    test: /\.(png|jpe?g|gif|webp)$/,
    include: [ [Function (anonymous)] ],
    type: 'asset/resource'
  inlineFont: Rule {
    _app: [Function (anonymous)],
    test: /\.(ttf|otf|eot|woff2?|ico)$/,
    include: [ [Function (anonymous)] ],
    resourceQuery: /inline/,
    type: 'asset/inline'
  inlineSvg: Rule {
    _app: [Function (anonymous)],
    test: /\.svg$/,
    include: [ [Function (anonymous)] ],
    resourceQuery: /inline/,
    generator: [Function (anonymous)],
    type: 'asset/inline'
  inlineImage: Rule {
    _app: [Function (anonymous)],
    test: /\.(png|jpe?g|gif|webp)$/,
    include: [ [Function (anonymous)] ],
    type: 'asset/inline',
    resourceQuery: /inline/
  cssModule: Rule {
    _app: [Function (anonymous)],
    test: /\.module\.css$/,
    include: [ [Function (anonymous)] ],
    use: [ 'precss', 'cssModule', 'postcss', 'sass' ]
  css: Rule {
    _app: [Function (anonymous)],
    test: /(?!.*\.module)\.css$/,
    include: [ [Function (anonymous)] ],
    use: [ 'precss', 'css', 'postcss', 'sass' ]
  js: Rule {
    _app: [Function (anonymous)],
    test: /\.(mjs|jsx?)$/,
    include: [ [Function (anonymous)] ],
    use: [
      Item {
        _app: [Function (anonymous)],
        loader: 'babel',
        ident: 'babel',
        options: [Function: options]
  sass: Rule {
    _app: [Function (anonymous)],
    test: /\.s[ac]ss$/i,
    use: [
      Item {
        _app: [Function (anonymous)],
        ident: 'minicss',
        loader: 'minicss',
        options: [Function (anonymous)]
      Item {
        _app: [Function (anonymous)],
        ident: 'css',
        loader: 'css',
        options: [Function (anonymous)]
      Item {
        _app: [Function (anonymous)],
        loader: 'postcss',
        ident: 'postcss',
        options: [Function: options]
      Item {
        _app: [Function (anonymous)],
        loader: 'resolveUrl',
        ident: 'resolveUrl',
        options: [Function: options]
      Item {
        _app: [Function (anonymous)],
        ident: 'sass',
        loader: 'sass-loader',
        options: [Function: options]
    include: [ [Function (anonymous)] ],
    exclude: undefined,
    type: undefined,
    parser: [Function (anonymous)],
    generator: [Function (anonymous)]

Message continues below due to character limit limitations.

And here is the result of running util.inspect on the config object passed to the callback of app.config (app.config(c => console.log(util.inspect(c, false, 20, false))):
(I’ve replaced the absolute path to the root of the theme with <root> for privacy reasons)

  bail: true,
  cache: {
    name: 'webpack/production',
    type: 'filesystem',
    store: 'pack',
    allowCollectingMemory: true,
    buildDependencies: {
      bud: [
    idleTimeout: 10000,
    idleTimeoutForInitialStore: 0,
    profile: false,
    version: 'uZ3yt0OPjkLe0ZEKn4Ylw3BGkFY='
  context: '<root>/resources',
  dependencies: [],
  devtool: false,
  entry: {
    app: { import: [ '@scripts/app', '@styles/app' ] },
    editor: { import: [ '@scripts/editor', '@styles/editor' ] }
  externalsType: 'var',
  infrastructureLogging: {
    console: {
      log: [Function: log],
      warn: [Function: warn],
      dir: [Function: dir],
      time: [Function: time],
      timeEnd: [Function: timeEnd],
      timeLog: [Function: timeLog],
      trace: [Function: trace],
      assert: [Function: assert],
      clear: [Function: clear],
      count: [Function: count],
      countReset: [Function: countReset],
      group: [Function: group],
      groupEnd: [Function: groupEnd],
      table: [Function: table],
      debug: [Function: debug],
      info: [Function: info],
      dirxml: [Function: dirxml],
      error: [Function: error],
      groupCollapsed: [Function: groupCollapsed],
      Console: [Function: Console],
      profile: [Function: profile],
      profileEnd: [Function: profileEnd],
      timeStamp: [Function: timeStamp],
      context: [Function: context]
    level: 'log'
  mode: 'production',
  module: {
    ... // see next comment due to character limitations
  output: {
    assetModuleFilename: '[path][name].[contenthash:6][ext]',
    chunkFilename: 'js/dynamic/[name].[contenthash:6].chunk.js',
    clean: true,
    environment: undefined,
    filename: 'js/[name].[contenthash:6].js',
    module: false,
    path: '<root>/public',
    pathinfo: undefined,
    publicPath: '/app/themes/sage/public/',
    scriptType: false,
    uniqueName: '@roots/bud/sage/sage'
  parallelism: 70,
  performance: { hints: false },
  recordsPath: '/Users/<redacted>/Library/Caches/bud-nodejs/pSfYjEU80AODRN7b21L8/FV6zE0
  resolveLoader: { alias: {} },
  snapshot: {
    managedPaths: [
  stats: {
    all: false,
    assets: true,
    children: false,
    entrypoints: true,
    errors: true,
    errorsCount: true,
    hash: true,
    outputPath: true,
    modules: true,
    timings: true,
    warnings: true,
    warningsCount: true
  target: 'browserslist:<root>/package.json',
  plugins: [
    MiniCssExtractPlugin {
      _sortedModulesCache: WeakMap { <items unknown> },
      options: {
        filename: 'css/[name].[contenthash:6].css',
        ignoreOrder: false,
        experimentalUseImportModule: undefined,
        runtime: true,
        chunkFilename: 'css/[name].[contenthash:6].css'
      runtimeOptions: {
        insert: undefined,
        linkType: 'text/css',
        attributes: undefined
    FixStyleOnlyEntrypoints {},
    CleanWebpackPlugin {
      dangerouslyAllowCleanPatternsOutsideProject: false,
      dry: false,
      verbose: false,
      cleanStaleWebpackAssets: true,
      protectWebpackAssets: true,
      cleanAfterEveryBuildPatterns: [],
      cleanOnceBeforeBuildPatterns: [ '**/*' ],
      currentAssets: [],
      initialClean: false,
      outputPath: '',
      apply: [Function: bound apply],
      handleInitial: [Function: bound handleInitial],
      handleDone: [Function: bound handleDone],
      removeFiles: [Function: bound removeFiles]
    CopyPlugin {
      patterns: [
          from: 'images/**/*',
          to: '[path][name].[contenthash:6][ext]',
          context: '<root>/resources',
          noErrorOnMissing: true,
          globOptions: { dot: false }
          from: 'static/default-icon.png',
          to: 'static/[path][name].[contenthash:6][ext]',
          context: '<root>/resources'
          from: 'static/default-logo.png',
          to: 'static/[path][name].[contenthash:6][ext]',
          context: '<root>/resources'
      options: {}
    WebpackManifestPlugin {
      options: {
        assetHookStage: Infinity,
        basePath: '',
        fileName: 'manifest.json',
        filter: null,
        generate: [Function (anonymous)],
        map: null,
        publicPath: '',
        removeKeyHash: /([a-f0-9]{16,32}\.?)/gi,
        seed: undefined,
        serialize: [Function: serialize],
        sort: null,
        transformExtensions: /^(gz|map)$/i,
        useEntryKeys: false,
        useLegacyEmit: false,
        writeToFileEmit: true
    EntrypointsWebpackPlugin {
      options: { emitHtml: false, publicPath: '' },
      plugin: { name: 'EntrypointsManifestPlugin', stage: Infinity },
      name: 'entrypoints.json'
    BladeWebpackPlugin { options: {} },
    ThemeJsonWebpackPlugin {
      options: {
        path: '<root>/theme.json',
        settings: {
          color: {
            custom: false,
            customGradient: false,
            customDuotone: false,
            defaultDuotone: false,
            defaultGradients: false,
            defaultPalette: false,
            duotone: []
          custom: {
            spacing: {},
            typography: { 'font-size': {}, 'line-height': {} }
          spacing: {
            padding: true,
            units: [ 'px', '%', 'em', 'rem', 'vw', 'vh' ]
          typography: { customFontSize: false, dropCap: false }
    WordPressDependenciesWebpackPlugin {
      plugin: { name: 'WordPressDependenciesWebpackPlugin', stage: Infinity },
      manifest: {},
      usedDependencies: {},
      fileName: 'wordpress.json'
    WordPressExternals {
      name: 'WordPressExternalsWebpackPlugin',
      stage: Infinity,
      externals: ExternalsPlugin {
        type: 'window',
        externals: [Function: externals]
    MergedManifestWebpackPlugin {
      plugin: { name: 'MergedManifestPlugin' },
      file: 'entrypoints.json',
      entrypointsName: 'entrypoints.json',
      wordpressName: 'wordpress.json'
    VuetifyPlugin {
      options: { autoImport: true, styles: 'sass', stylesTimeout: 10000 }
  resolve: {
    alias: {
      '@src': '<root>/resources',
      '@fonts': '<root>/resources/fonts',
      '@images': '<root>/resources/images',
      '@scripts': '<root>/resources/scripts',
      '@styles': '<root>/resources/styles',
      '@views': '<root>/resources/views',
      '@static': '<root>/resources/static',
      vue: 'vue/dist/vue.esm-bundler.js'
    extensions: [
      '.mjs',  '.js',
      '.jsx',  '.css',
      '.json', '.wasm',
      '.yml',  '.yaml',
      '.xml',  '.toml',
      '.csv',  '.scss',
      '.sass', '.blade.php',
    modules: [ 'resources', 'node_modules' ]

Message (and contents of module) in next comment due to character restrictions

module: {
  noParse: undefined,
    rules: [
        test: /\.(mjs|jsx?)$/,
        include: [
        parser: { requireEnsure: false }
        oneOf: [
            test: /\.toml$/,
            type: 'json',
            parser: { parse: [Function: parse] },
            include: [
            test: /\.xml$/,
            use: [
                ident: 'xml'
            include: [
            test: /\.(csv|tsv)$/,
            use: [
                ident: 'csv'
            include: [
            test: /\.ya?ml$/,
            use: [
                ident: 'yml'
            include: [
            test: /\.(html?)$/,
            use: [
                ident: 'html'
            include: [
            test: /\.json$/,
            type: 'json',
            parser: { parse: undefined },
            include: [
            test: /\.(ttf|otf|eot|woff2?|ico)$/,
            type: 'asset',
            include: [
            test: /\.svg$/,
            type: 'asset/resource',
            include: [
            test: /\.webp$/,
            type: 'asset/resource',
            include: [
            test: /\.(png|jpe?g|gif|webp)$/,
            type: 'asset/resource',
            include: [
            test: /\.(ttf|otf|eot|woff2?|ico)$/,
            type: 'asset/inline',
            resourceQuery: /inline/,
            include: [
            test: /\.svg$/,
            type: 'asset/inline',
            generator: { dataUrl: [Function: dataUrl] },
            resourceQuery: /inline/,
            include: [
            test: /\.(png|jpe?g|gif|webp)$/,
            type: 'asset/inline',
            resourceQuery: /inline/,
            include: [
            test: /\.module\.css$/,
            use: [
                options: { esModule: false },
                ident: 'minicss'
                options: { importLoaders: 2, modules: true, sourceMap: false },
                ident: 'cssModule'
                loader: '<root>/node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js',
                options: {
                  postcssOptions: {
                    config: false,
                    syntax: 'postcss-scss',
                    parser: undefined,
                    plugins: [
                      [ 'postcss-scss' ],
                          stage: 1,
                          features: { 'focus-within-pseudo-class': false }
                  sourceMap: undefined
                ident: 'postcss'
                loader: '<root>/node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js',
                options: {
                  implementation: {
                    load: [Function (anonymous)],
                    compile: [Function: sass.compile],
                    compileString: [Function: sass.compileString],
                    compileAsync: [Function: sass.compileAsync],
                    compileStringAsync: [Function: sass.compileStringAsync],
                    Value: [Function: Value0],
                    SassBoolean: [Function: sass.SassBoolean],
                    SassArgumentList: [Function: sass.SassArgumentList],
                    SassColor: [Function: sass.SassColor],
                    SassFunction: [Function: sass.SassFunction],
                    SassList: [Function: sass.SassList],
                    SassMap: [Function: sass.SassMap],
                    SassNumber: [Function: sass.SassNumber],
                    SassString: [Function: sass.SassString],
                    sassNull: null,
                    sassTrue: true,
                    sassFalse: false,
                    Exception: [class sass.Exception extends Error],
                    Logger: {
                      silent: {
                        warn: [Function: sass.Logger.silent.warn],
                        debug: [Function: sass.Logger.silent.debug]
                    info: 'dart-sass\t1.62.1\t(Sass Compiler)\t[Dart]\n' +
                      'dart2js\t2.19.6\t(Dart Compiler)\t[Dart]',
                    render: [Function: sass.render],
                    renderSync: [Function: sass.renderSync],
                    types: {
                      Boolean: [Function: sass.types.Boolean] {
                        TRUE: true,
                        FALSE: false
                      Color: [Function: sass.types.Color],
                      List: [Function: sass.types.List],
                      Map: [Function: sass.types.Map],
                      Null: [Function: sass.types.Null] { NULL: null },
                      Number: [Function: sass.types.Number],
                      String: [Function: sass.types.String],
                      Error: [Function: Error] { stackTraceLimit: 10 }
                    NULL: null,
                    TRUE: true,
                    FALSE: false,
                    cli_pkg_main_0_: <ref *1> [Function (anonymous)] {
                      '___dart__$dart_dartClosure_ZxYxX_0_': _wrapMain_closure0
                        main: StaticClosure {
                          '$initialize': [Function: StaticClosure],
                          constructor: [Function: static_tear_off],
                          '$_name': 'main0',
                          '$_target': [Function: main0],
                          '$static_name': 'main0',
                          '$signature': 599,
                          'call$1': [Function: main0],
                          'call*': [Function: main0],
                          '$requiredArgCount': 1,
                          '$defaultValues': null
                        '$dart_jsFunction': [Circular *1]
                  sourceMap: true,
                  additionalData: '@import "vuetify/styles";\n' +
                    '@import "vuetify/lib/components/VApp/VApp";\n' +
                    '@import "vuetify/lib/components/VMain/VMain";\n' +
                    '@import "vuetify/lib/components/VGrid/VGrid";\n' +
                    '@import "vuetify/lib/components/VCard/VCard";\n' +
                    '@import "vuetify/lib/components/VAvatar/VAvatar";\n' +
                    '@import "vuetify/lib/components/VIcon/VIcon";\n' +
                    '@import "vuetify/lib/components/VDivider/VDivider";'
                ident: 'sass'
            include: [
            test: /(?!.*\.module)\.css$/,
            use: [
                loader: '<root>/node_modules/vue-style-loader/index.js',
                ident: 'vue-style'
                options: { esModule: false },
                ident: 'minicss'
                options: { importLoaders: 3, modules: false, sourceMap: false },
                ident: 'css'
                loader: '<root>/node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js',
                options: {
                  postcssOptions: {
                    config: false,
                    syntax: 'postcss-scss',
                    parser: undefined,
                    plugins: [
                      [ 'postcss-scss' ],
                          stage: 1,
                          features: { 'focus-within-pseudo-class': false }
                  sourceMap: undefined
                ident: 'postcss'
                loader: '<root>/node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js',
                options: {
                  implementation: {
                    load: [Function (anonymous)],
                    compile: [Function: sass.compile],
                    compileString: [Function: sass.compileString],
                    compileAsync: [Function: sass.compileAsync],
                    compileStringAsync: [Function: sass.compileStringAsync],
                    Value: [Function: Value0],
                    SassBoolean: [Function: sass.SassBoolean],
                    SassArgumentList: [Function: sass.SassArgumentList],
                    SassColor: [Function: sass.SassColor],
                    SassFunction: [Function: sass.SassFunction],
                    SassList: [Function: sass.SassList],
                    SassMap: [Function: sass.SassMap],
                    SassNumber: [Function: sass.SassNumber],
                    SassString: [Function: sass.SassString],
                    sassNull: null,
                    sassTrue: true,
                    sassFalse: false,
                    Exception: [class sass.Exception extends Error],
                    Logger: {
                      silent: {
                        warn: [Function: sass.Logger.silent.warn],
                        debug: [Function: sass.Logger.silent.debug]
                    info: 'dart-sass\t1.62.1\t(Sass Compiler)\t[Dart]\n' +
                      'dart2js\t2.19.6\t(Dart Compiler)\t[Dart]',
                    render: [Function: sass.render],
                    renderSync: [Function: sass.renderSync],
                    types: {
                      Boolean: [Function: sass.types.Boolean] {
                        TRUE: true,
                        FALSE: false
                      Color: [Function: sass.types.Color],
                      List: [Function: sass.types.List],
                      Map: [Function: sass.types.Map],
                      Null: [Function: sass.types.Null] { NULL: null },
                      Number: [Function: sass.types.Number],
                      String: [Function: sass.types.String],
                      Error: [Function: Error] { stackTraceLimit: 10 }
                    NULL: null,
                    TRUE: true,
                    FALSE: false,
                    cli_pkg_main_0_: <ref *1> [Function (anonymous)] {
                      '___dart__$dart_dartClosure_ZxYxX_0_': _wrapMain_closure0
                        main: StaticClosure {
                          '$initialize': [Function: StaticClosure],
                          constructor: [Function: static_tear_off],
                          '$_name': 'main0',
                          '$_target': [Function: main0],
                          '$static_name': 'main0',
                          '$signature': 599,
                          'call$1': [Function: main0],
                          'call*': [Function: main0],
                          '$requiredArgCount': 1,
                          '$defaultValues': null
                        '$dart_jsFunction': [Circular *1]
                  sourceMap: true,
                  additionalData: '@import "vuetify/styles";\n' +
                    '@import "vuetify/lib/components/VApp/VApp";\n' +
                    '@import "vuetify/lib/components/VMain/VMain";\n' +
                    '@import "vuetify/lib/components/VGrid/VGrid";\n' +
                    '@import "vuetify/lib/components/VCard/VCard";\n' +
                    '@import "vuetify/lib/components/VAvatar/VAvatar";\n' +
                    '@import "vuetify/lib/components/VIcon/VIcon";\n' +
                    '@import "vuetify/lib/components/VDivider/VDivider";'
                ident: 'sass'
            include: [
            test: /\.(mjs|jsx?)$/,
            use: [
                loader: '<root>/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js',
                options: {
                  cacheIdentifier: 'babel',
                  cacheDirectory: '/Users/jak/Library/Caches/bud-nodejs/pSfYjEU8
                  configFile: false,
                  presets: [
                    [ '@vue/cli-plugin-babel/preset' ]
                  plugins: [

                      { helpers: false }
                  env: { development: { compact: false } },
                  root: '<root>',
                  targets: [ 'extends @roots/browserslist-config' ]
                ident: 'babel'
                options: { notify: true },
                ident: '@roots/wordpress-hmr/loader'
            include: [
            test: /\.s[ac]ss$/i,
            use: [
                loader: '<root>/node_modules/vue-style-loader/index.js',
                ident: 'vue-style'
                options: { esModule: false },
                ident: 'minicss'
                options: { importLoaders: 3, modules: false, sourceMap: false },
                ident: 'css'
                loader: '<root>/node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js',
                options: {
                  postcssOptions: {
                    config: false,
                    syntax: 'postcss-scss',
                    parser: undefined,
                    plugins: [
                      [ 'postcss-scss' ],
                          stage: 1,
                          features: { 'focus-within-pseudo-class': false }
                  sourceMap: undefined
                ident: 'postcss'
                loader: '<root>/node_modules/resolve-url-loader/index.js',
                options: {
                  root: '<root>/resources',
                  sourceMap: true
                ident: 'resolveUrl'
                loader: '<root>/node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js',
                options: {
                  implementation: {
                    load: [Function (anonymous)],
                    compile: [Function: sass.compile],
                    compileString: [Function: sass.compileString],
                    compileAsync: [Function: sass.compileAsync],
                    compileStringAsync: [Function: sass.compileStringAsync],
                    Value: [Function: Value0],
                    SassBoolean: [Function: sass.SassBoolean],
                    SassArgumentList: [Function: sass.SassArgumentList],
                    SassColor: [Function: sass.SassColor],
                    SassFunction: [Function: sass.SassFunction],
                    SassList: [Function: sass.SassList],
                    SassMap: [Function: sass.SassMap],
                    SassNumber: [Function: sass.SassNumber],
                    SassString: [Function: sass.SassString],
                    sassNull: null,
                    sassTrue: true,
                    sassFalse: false,
                    Exception: [class sass.Exception extends Error],
                    Logger: {
                      silent: {
                        warn: [Function: sass.Logger.silent.warn],
                        debug: [Function: sass.Logger.silent.debug]
                    info: 'dart-sass\t1.62.1\t(Sass Compiler)\t[Dart]\n' +
                      'dart2js\t2.19.6\t(Dart Compiler)\t[Dart]',
                    render: [Function: sass.render],
                    renderSync: [Function: sass.renderSync],
                    types: {
                      Boolean: [Function: sass.types.Boolean] {
                        TRUE: true,
                        FALSE: false
                      Color: [Function: sass.types.Color],
                      List: [Function: sass.types.List],
                      Map: [Function: sass.types.Map],
                      Null: [Function: sass.types.Null] { NULL: null },
                      Number: [Function: sass.types.Number],
                      String: [Function: sass.types.String],
                      Error: [Function: Error] { stackTraceLimit: 10 }
                    NULL: null,
                    TRUE: true,
                    FALSE: false,
                    cli_pkg_main_0_: <ref *1> [Function (anonymous)] {
                      '___dart__$dart_dartClosure_ZxYxX_0_': _wrapMain_closure0
                        main: StaticClosure {
                          '$initialize': [Function: StaticClosure],
                          constructor: [Function: static_tear_off],
                          '$_name': 'main0',
                          '$_target': [Function: main0],
                          '$static_name': 'main0',
                          '$signature': 599,
                          'call$1': [Function: main0],
                          'call*': [Function: main0],
                          '$requiredArgCount': 1,
                          '$defaultValues': null
                        '$dart_jsFunction': [Circular *1]
                  sourceMap: true,
                  additionalData: '@import "vuetify/styles";\n' +
                    '@import "vuetify/lib/components/VApp/VApp";\n' +
                    '@import "vuetify/lib/components/VMain/VMain";\n' +
                    '@import "vuetify/lib/components/VGrid/VGrid";\n' +
                    '@import "vuetify/lib/components/VCard/VCard";\n' +
                    '@import "vuetify/lib/components/VAvatar/VAvatar";\n' +
                    '@import "vuetify/lib/components/VIcon/VIcon";\n' +
                    '@import "vuetify/lib/components/VDivider/VDivider";'
                ident: 'sass'
            include: [
    unsafeCache: false
  name: 'sage',
  node: false,
  optimization: {
    emitOnErrors: false,
    minimize: true,
    minimizer: [
      ImageMinimizerPlugin {
        options: {
          minimizer: {
            implementation: [Function: sharpMinify],
            options: { encodeOptions: {} }
          generator: undefined,
          severityError: undefined,
          exclude: undefined,
          include: undefined,
          loader: true,
          concurrency: undefined,
          test: /\.(png|jpe?g|gif|webp)$/,
          deleteOriginalAssets: true
      ImageMinimizerPlugin {
        options: {
          minimizer: undefined,
          generator: [
              preset: 'webp',
              filename: '[path]generated.[name]@[width]x[height][ext]',
              implementation: [Function: sharpGenerate],
              options: { encodeOptions: { webp: {} } }
          severityError: undefined,
          exclude: undefined,
          include: undefined,
          loader: true,
          concurrency: undefined,
          test: /\.(jpe?g|png|gif|tif|webp|svg|avif|jxl)$/i,
          deleteOriginalAssets: true
      ImageMinimizerPlugin {
        options: {
          minimizer: {
            implementation: [AsyncFunction: svgoMinify],
            options: { encodeOptions: {} }
          generator: undefined,
          severityError: undefined,
          exclude: undefined,
          include: undefined,
          loader: true,
          concurrency: undefined,
          test: /\.svg$/,
          deleteOriginalAssets: true
      CssMinimizerPlugin {
        options: {
          test: /\.css(\?.*)?$/i,
          warningsFilter: [Function: warningsFilter],
          parallel: true,
          include: undefined,
          exclude: undefined,
          minimizer: {
            implementation: [AsyncFunction: cssnanoMinify],
            options: {
              preset: [ 'default', { discardComments: { removeAll: true } } ]
      TerserPlugin {
        options: {
          test: /\.[cm]?js(\?.*)?$/i,
          extractComments: false,
          parallel: true,
          include: undefined,
          exclude: undefined,
          minimizer: {
            implementation: [AsyncFunction: terserMinify] {
              getMinimizerVersion: [Function (anonymous)]
            options: {
              compress: {
                drop_console: false,
                drop_debugger: true,
                defaults: true,
                unused: true
              format: { ascii_only: true, comments: false },
              mangle: { safari10: true }
    moduleIds: 'named',
    removeEmptyChunks: false,
    runtimeChunk: 'single',
    splitChunks: {
      chunks: 'all',
      automaticNameDelimiter: '/',
      minSize: 0,
      cacheGroups: {
        vendor: {
          idHint: 'vendor',
          filename: 'js/bundle/vendor/[name].js',
          test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/]/,
          priority: -20
    usedExports: true

I’ve tried selectively removing loaders to see if there was an issue where the wrong loader was loading the @styles/app.scss file, but that did not work. I’ve tried changing to using sass instead of scss (both as a file extension and as the content of the file) but that did not work.

The build passes successfully when i remove the file from the build process (remove it from the entry + remove any imports to it).

I am not sure how to continue debugging at this point and I would appreciate some assistance debugging further to resolve the issue.

Something that I have not managed to do which I think would be helpful is if i could see which module threw the error. I have not figured out how to change the output from the --debug flag to include it.

Thanks for reading!

OK, so I’ve had a little inspiration and discovered that one of the javascript parsers is trying to read the app.scss file.

I tested this by changing the contents of app.scss to var test = '', which passed the build. I’m now digging through the rules to see what module is reading the app.scss file which isn’t supposed to be.

I’ve tried setting:

app.hooks.action(`build.before`, async app => {

however that has had no effect.

I’ve also manually added the exclusion to every rule except for sass:

app.hooks.action(`build.before`, async app => {
  Object.keys(app.build.rules).map(key => {
    if ('sass' !== key) {

This also has had no effect.

I have also tried to manually exclude the file directly on all webpack rules which do not contain scss in their regex:

app.config( existing => {
    new VuetifyPlugin({
      autoImport: true,
  existing.module.rules.map((rule, index) => {
    if (rule.test) {
      const test = 'function' === typeof rule.test ? rule.test().toString() : rule.test.toString()
      if (!test.includes('scss')) {
        existing.module.rules[index].exclude = [
    if (rule.oneOf) {
      rule.oneOf.map((sr, si) => {
        const test = 'function' === typeof sr.test ? sr.test().toString() : sr.test.toString()
        if (!test.includes('scss')) {
          existing.module.rules[index].oneOf[si].exclude = [
  return existing

This also has had no effect. I now think that the issue is related to the ordering of the plugins used by the scss / sass rule. I’m going to run some tests to see if i can shed some light there.

OK! after finally specifically adding the app.scss file to the sass loader:

app.config( existing => {
    new VuetifyPlugin({
      autoImport: true,
  existing.module.rules.map((rule, index) => {
    if (rule.test) {
      const test = 'function' === typeof rule.test ? rule.test().toString() : rule.test.toString()
      if (!test.includes('scss')) {
        existing.module.rules[index].exclude = [
      } else {
        if (Array.isArray(existing.module.rules[index].include)) {
        } else {
          existing.module.rules[index].include = [app.path('@styles')]
    if (rule.oneOf) {
      rule.oneOf.map((sr, si) => {
        const test = 'function' === typeof sr.test ? sr.test().toString() : sr.test.toString()
        if (!test.includes('scss')) {
          existing.module.rules[index].oneOf[si].exclude = [
        } else {
          if (Array.isArray(existing.module.rules[index].oneOf[si].include)) {
          } else {
            existing.module.rules[index].oneOf[si].include = [app.path('@styles')]
  return existing

I finally am getting some errors which appear to be related to one of the loaders being used by the sass module. I’m going to try to disable & test them individually to see which one is causing the problem. I suspect that the issue is related to vue-style-loader being included in the “use” chain for sass/scss files.

OK, i can now confirm that the issue was related to vue-style-loader being added to the module for sass in webpack. Once that was filtered out, the build worked correctly / as expected (after a little cleanup of other things that were disabled / edited / changed for debugging.)

Here is the updated bud.config.js file:

 * Compiler configuration
 * @see {@link https://roots.io/docs/sage sage documentation}
 * @see {@link https://bud.js.org/guides/configure bud.js configuration guide}
 * @param {import('@roots/bud').Bud} app
import { VuetifyPlugin } from 'webpack-plugin-vuetify'
import { readdirSync, statSync } from 'fs'

export default async (app) => {
   * Add some babel presets
  // app.babel.setPreset('@vue/cli-plugin-babel/preset')
   * Application assets & entrypoints
   * @see {@link https://bud.js.org/docs/bud.entry}
   * @see {@link https://bud.js.org/docs/bud.assets}
    .entry('app', ['@scripts/app', '@styles/app', '@styles/style.scss'])
    .entry('editor', ['@scripts/editor', '@styles/editor', '@styles/style.scss'])

   * Static assets, especially those used as defaults
  app.alias('@static', app.path('@src/static'))
  const files = readdirSync(app.path('@src/static'))
  files.forEach(file => {
    const budPath = `static/${file}`
    const path = app.path(`@src/static/${file}`)
    const stats = statSync(path)
    if (stats.isFile()) {
    } else if (stats.isDirectory()) {

   * Add Vuetify
   * @see {@link https://bud.js.org/docs/bud.use#usage}
   * @see {@link https://www.npmjs.com/package/webpack-plugin-vuetify}
   * @see {@link https://discourse.roots.io/t/fontsource-error-unexpected-character/22629/2}
  app.compilePaths([app.path('@modules/vuetify'), app.path('@modules/@mdi/font')])
  app.config( existing => {
      new VuetifyPlugin({
        autoImport: true,
    existing.module.rules.map((rule, index) => {
      if (rule.test) {
        const test = 'function' === typeof rule.test ? rule.test().toString() : rule.test.toString()
        if (!test.includes('scss')) {
        } else {
          if (Array.isArray(existing.module.rules[index].include)) {
          } else {
            existing.module.rules[index].include = [
          existing.module.rules[index].use = existing.module.rules[index].use.filter(item => !(item.ident && item.ident === 'vue-style')) 
      if (rule.oneOf) {
        rule.oneOf.map((sr, si) => {
          const test = 'function' === typeof sr.test ? sr.test().toString() : sr.test.toString()
          if (!test.includes('scss')) {
          } else {
            if (Array.isArray(existing.module.rules[index].oneOf[si].include)) {
            } else {
              existing.module.rules[index].oneOf[si].include = [
            existing.module.rules[index].oneOf[si].use = existing.module.rules[index].oneOf[si].use.filter(item => !(item.ident && item.ident === 'vue-style'))
    return existing

   * Set public path
   * @see {@link https://bud.js.org/docs/bud.setPublicPath}

   * Vue Confiugration
   * @see {@link https://budjs.org/extensions/bud-vue}
  app.vue.set('runtimeOnly', false);

   * Development server settings
   * @see {@link https://bud.js.org/docs/bud.setUrl}
   * @see {@link https://bud.js.org/docs/bud.setProxyUrl}
   * @see {@link https://bud.js.org/docs/bud.watch}
    .watch(['resources/views', 'app']);

   * Generate WordPress `theme.json`
   * @note This overwrites `theme.json` on every build.
   * @see {@link https://bud.js.org/extensions/sage/theme.json}
   * @see {@link https://developer.wordpress.org/block-editor/how-to-guides/themes/theme-json}
    .set('settings.color.custom', false)
    .set('settings.color.customDuotone', false)
    .set('settings.color.customGradient', false)
    .set('settings.color.defaultDuotone', false)
    .set('settings.color.defaultGradients', false)
    .set('settings.color.defaultPalette', false)
    .set('settings.color.duotone', [])
    .set('settings.custom.spacing', {})
    .set('settings.custom.typography.font-size', {})
    .set('settings.custom.typography.line-height', {})
    .set('settings.spacing.padding', true)
    .set('settings.spacing.units', ['px', '%', 'em', 'rem', 'vw', 'vh'])
    .set('settings.typography.customFontSize', false)