Put the appropriate add_theme_support in setup.php.
For my own walker class, I did the following:
Added autoloader.php to theme_name/app directory.
Included ‘autoloader’ in Sage required files array_map in functions.php.
Used global_recursive function found from here to autoload lib files.
Created walker-file.php in /lib.
Tried to use use Roots\Soil\Nav\NavWalker as NavWalker; and class MainWalker extends NavWalker{} to no avail. Error it gives me is Fatal error: Class ‘Roots\Soil\Nav\NavWalker’.
So far I found this solution but it’s never a good idea to edit a plugin as opposed to extending/overwriting it using hooks or other tools.
What’s the right way to do this? Am I even including my walker class file in the right way?