How to install soil without using composer?


I’m interested in using the soil plugin but I’m unsure how you go about installing it without using composer


@magicspon, you can drop it in your plugins folder just like any other. Download the package from github and give it a try.

If you’re using Bedrock, I’d highly recommend going with Composer though.


Thanks for your reply. I’ve added it to my plugins directory and enabled it in the backend. I’m using the latest version of Soil and the it doesn’t appear to be having any effect. My images are still using absolute urls.

Any ideas?


@magicspon, in config.php of the Roots theme check to see if the add_theme_support tags aren’t commented out.


Yup, they’re all in there.

add_theme_support('soil-clean-up');       // Enable clean up from Soil
add_theme_support('soil-relative-urls');    // Enable relative URLs from Soil
add_theme_support('soil-nice-search');      // Enable /?s= to /search/ redirect from Soil
//add_theme_support('bootstrap-gallery');     // Enable Bootstrap's thumbnails component on [gallery]
add_theme_support('jquery-cdn');            // Enable to load jQuery from the Google CDN

I’m using a setup some what inspired by bedrock.

I have an app directory which has all my themes/plugins/content/et al and then a wp directory which has all of the core wordpress stuff.

So in my wp-config.php file I have the follow:

// set site urls

//Change default wp-content file name & location
define ('WP_CONTENT_DIR', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/app');
define ('WP_CONTENT_URL', "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].'/app');