How to use the _main.js in the /assets folder

Hi guys,

So I’ve got the latest Roots theme with bootstrap 3 but I didnt understand where have the app.css and main.js files gone (for me to add in my custom CSS and JS)

Also, when I do a search on the website, which php page is loaded? The output seems a bit oddly formatted so I would need to know the php file that’s called after a search

You’ll need to add these two lines to /libs/scripts.php. I’ve renamed _main.js to main.js and set Grunt to compile and minify to main.min.js. If you do not do that then make sure you change the name below to _main.js.

wp_register_script('main_scripts', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/main.min.js', false, null, true);

To control search create a file in the root of the theme called search.php. You can then choose a template or customise your own.