I just installed the Soil plugin. What now?

I dont see any different.

Are you using a recent enough Sage theme? Because the theme has to add theme support for the Soil plugin features, which Sage themes do by default, but too old Sage themes or other themes may not.

This is how the Sage 10 enables Soil theme support:

And this is how the Sage 9 theme does it:

Hi, thanks for quick respond. I dont use any Sage Theme. How and where can i learn how to configure?

Usually the theme has a function.php. There you can add the theme_support:

 * Enable features from the Soil plugin if activated.
 * @link https://roots.io/plugins/soil/
add_theme_support('soil', [

When this isn’t your theme you build you can put the code above into the function.php of your child theme.

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