I gitignore web/app/languages/* because I wanted to create that folder so WP-CLI can put the language files in there.
Only when I need it. I found that it didn’t really matter to me locally, so I just do it the first time I start a project via SSH (vagrant ssh). It could probably be done automatically on vagrant up via a hook, like the deploy.yml-hooks. I don’t know how to do this in dev.yml – yet. @swalkinshaw ?
And thanks for your one-line simplification!
EDIT: Unfortunately the one-liner doesn’t seem to work.
fatal: [staging.domain.tld]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "cmd": "wp core language install 'de_CH;' wp core language install 'de_DE;' wp core language update", "failed": true, "rc": 2}
For now I’ll just stick with the extended version.