Installing Bedrock and Sage

I’ve been playing around with Bedrock mostly and convinced the company where I work to consider it as our default WordPress environment. I’m also interested in using Sage. While I know how to install each of them separately, I wonder what’s the best way to install both in one go. That means using the create-project command and not composer require for both. I find those install options of the Sage installer quite useful.

This is the best tutorial, it’ll get you started. Just follow step by step, and you’ll have a whole dev environment set up in a github repo, that deploys to a production server on digital ocean.

Make sure you have your domain set up before you start, that way you can set up your SSL.

One thing to note is that when he tells you to set your local domain to “.dev”, you should change that to “.test”. I just saved you a rabbit hole.

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