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Would it be possible to keep bud but let it wrap vite instead of webpack?
Using bud as an abstraction layer for those ever-changing build tool landscape?
Is that mean bud.js will not be maintained anymore?
This is quite a move, considering the time and investment made on bud but yap I think it is a good one,
Oof. Wish I had known this before integrating bud.js into a bunch of projects in the last year.
I find the switch smooth actually, it is still doable will not take much of time
How long would you estimate that the move took?
Yeah, it sucks when tools you rely on change. But the alternative was sticking with abandoned software. We didn’t make this decision lightly, and the web dev world has largely moved to Vite for good reasons. Happy to help with your transition if you need it.
Perhaps you could share steps taken so others that need to move from Sage 10 with Bud to Sage 11 with Vite. Could perhaps then even be added to Roots Sage documentation . Would be great.
Maybe we could make a new thread on this to keep it all contained?
I’m also interested in knowing how much of an effort it is to switch from Sage 10 to Sage 11, so I’ll chip in for sure.
So when I understand this correctly, bud
is/was basically a wrapper for webpack, it generated webpack configuration, managed webpack plugins.
And when sage
uses vite
now instead of webpack
, it interfaces with vite
instead, as a plugin and/or with vite
configuration generation.