With Gulp I encountered an issue when watching files I modify through FTP.
When I develop, I launch gulp watch and then I modify files (PHP, LESS, ecc.) using FTP. Apparently the watch task trigger “too fast” when the file is uploaded, and I think it runs on an almost empty file, since sometimes all the contents of the file are not in the final css or js (this happen very often with large files).
How can I delay the watch tasks for a couple of seconds, so I can be sure that the file has been completely uploaded?
In case someone finds this post, it is possible to avoid this issue with FTP by modifying the gulp watch function. Add this to your gulpfile.js, probably best right after all the defines:
// Add debounce to gulp watch for FTP
(function ftp_debounce_fix(){
var watch = gulp.watch;
// Overwrite the local gulp.watch function
gulp.watch = function(glob, opt, fn){
var _this = this, _fn, timeout;
// This is taken from the gulpjs file, but needed to
// qualify the "fn" variable
if ( typeof opt === 'function' || Array.isArray(opt) ) {
fn = opt;
opt = null;
// Make a copy of the callback function for reference
_fn = fn;
// Create a new delayed callback function
fn = function(){
if( timeout ){
clearTimeout( timeout );
timeout = setTimeout( Array.isArray(_fn) ? function(){
_this.start.call(_this, _fn);
} : _fn, 150 );
return watch.call( this, glob, opt, fn );
If you still have issues, you can try increasing the “150” timeout. Its not a bulletproof solution, and obviously, a local dev environment is preferable, but if you are working through FTP, this should help.
@ben - I really, really, really appreciate what you’re doing with Sage, I love the project and I think what you’re doing is amazing. I also appreciate that you’re an evangelist, and think that this has resulted in Sage being the best starter theme for WordPress.
That being said,
in my case is not a practical answer to this issue… Like OP I work in an office where “FTP to the server” is the required protocol. I was very frustrated with the gulp watch failing 89% of the time, having to result to manually running gulp styles on the server every time I changed a single line. I’m glad @fabrizim posted a fix!
Hopefully I’ll eventually convince everyone to migrate over to Bedrock and using local development environments, but for the time being I’m glad to have found a workable solution! Thanks!
I’ve similar issue - by uploading file via ftp-client (Transmit) it create FileName_safe_save_ID.ext files
And my solution is using other wath library - chokidar
gulp.task('watch', function () {
var watcher = chokidar.watch('./stylesheets/**/*.scss');
watcher.on('ready', function () {
watcher.on('all', function (e, path) {
if (e == 'change' && !re_safe_save.test(path))
if (e == 'unlink' && re_safe_save.test(path))
Great tip! chokidar also has awaitWriteFinish option, which is specially designed to handle such cases!
to watch functions.php and *.tpl files and run templates task on change, simple code would be:
var chokidar = require('chokidar');
gulp.task('watch', function () {
chokidar.watch(['functions.php', 'template/**/*.tpl'], { // watch files/globs in array
awaitWriteFinish: true, //this is required option for delayed watch
persistent: true,
}).on('ready', function () { //when scan completed
this.on('all', function (e, path) {
if (e == 'change') { //on change. Works on FTP uploads!
gulp.start('templates'); //Start task 'templates'