Issues including JS package

Hello all. I’m new to Sage and I’m having some JS issues. I’m trying to use the GSAP package. I have it installed through both npm and Bower (I’ve been trying everything to get this to work). I have a file called app.js located in the assets/scripts/ directory that contains the following:

import { TweenMax, TimelineMax } from "gsap";

var tl = new TimelineMax({
		delay: 0.25,
		repeat: -1

var windowContents = document.getElementById("window_content");

var duration = 10;

var content_to = {
	y: -80

tl.staggerTo(windowContents, duration, content_to, 0.25 );

additionally, my manifest.json file looks like this:

	"dependencies": {
		"main.js": {
			"files": [
			"main": true
		"main.css": {
			"files": [
			"main": true
		"customizer.js": {
			"files": [
		"jquery.js": {
			"bower": ["jquery"]
	"config": {
		"devUrl": ""

This code returns the following Gulp error:

It looks like Uglify has an issue with the first bracket { on the import statement in my app.js file. I’m not sure how to fix this. I’ve tried a million things, including installing babel and the es2015 preset. This didn’t seem to resolve the issue (though it is possible that I may not have set it up correctly). Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.