JQUERY Path problem

Hello guys,
I’m new in Bedrock and Sage. I have a problem with the path to the JQUERY, I’m install bedrock and sage, and when im looking for the page source Jquery still using wordpress path like:
<script src="[/wp/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js](http://wwojciech.local/wp/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js)"></script><script src="[/wp/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.js](http://wwojciech.local/wp/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.js)"></script><script src="[/app/themes/wwojciech/dist/scripts/main.js](http://wwojciech.local/app/themes/wwojciech/dist/scripts/main.js)"></script>
How i can change this path to use Bedrock/Sage path?
A lot of thanks for reply.

This is the intended behavior: WordPress loads its own version of jQuery, which it then uses on the front and backend (on the front end, for instance, I believe it uses it for the admin bar).

What are you trying to accomplish, and for what reason?

I am trying to remove the information from the source page about using wordpress completely. Looking at other bedrock pages I can’t see this line, so I figured something was wrong with me. What is he trying to achieve? I would like the path to the jQuery file not to come from wordpress directories but from bedrock.

You would need to dequeue WordPress’s jQuery library and enqueue your own: https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/wp_enqueue_style/

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