LEMP remote setup

My next learning step is to deploy to my brand new Digital Ocean Ubuntu droplet. So, i went to deploy docs and read the first command: “First you need to have at least one WordPress site configured and working on a remote server.”

Ok! So, for do that, I went to my server and I installed LEMP, I configured vhost (server box Nginx), firewall, users, DNS, I created user with root privileges, added to MySQL, and restrict root SSH access for security, Install WP, and so on… A few hours until everything is working.

Once I have a Wordpress working on a remote server, I read this post:

So, should I work with Trellis over a Ubuntu empty droplet (without LEMP)?

If yes, how can I have “one WordPress site configured and working on a remote server”, without previous LEMP tools installed? It seems contradictory to me.

Thank you!

It does seem contradictory but that’s probably because you’ve skipped the earlier documentation.

If you read the docs from the beginning (parts one through three) it will tell you how to start with a stock Ubuntu server, then configure your site(s) in group_vars/<environment>/wordpress_sites.yml and finally how to use the ansible roles in Trellis to provision the server and configure the site(s).

At the end of part three you have a remote server with a working WordPress site, which you can then use Trellis to deploy updates to.


Ok, thank you very much. I will read caerfully this sections.

You are right, I skipped part 3. One question about it, in my case, with a LEMP configured at remote server, what do you recommend me:

  • Do the part 3 steps and run ansible-playbook -i hosts/<environment> server.yml over this LEMP environment
  • or delete droplet and start from scratch without installing LEMP

Thank you for the help.

If you’re on Digital Ocean, you can ‘Rebuild’ a droplet with stock Ubuntu. I would do that.

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In order to improve documentaton, finally, I followed the deployment process to the end:

I think, the sentence at the begining of deploy section, “First you need to have at least one WordPress site configured and working on a remote server”, still unclear. At the end of 3) server setup, I got a Nginx 404 error:


So, I got a working WP site at the end of 4) Deploys, not at the beginning.

I suggest to add “Do it following the next steps” or something like that:

“First you need to have at least one WordPress site configured and working on a remote serve. Do it following the next steps”